Part 15

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"DADDY DADDY" milo yelled kicking his legs smiling louis turned and looked at the boy "yes baby cakes" louis said picking the boy off of the counter holding him "nothing" he said and giggled leaning on his daddy harry walked in and over to the two wrapping his arms around them milo smiled looking up at harry "missed papa" he said harry kissed his cheek "missed my little monkey to" he said rubbing his back the twins walked in ben going right to harry "up up" ben said jumping harry picked him up and smiled "come here" harry said to sam who walked over slowly harry picked him up as well "i think this week-end we should go to the zoo" louis said making the omegas cheer "noo thats for babies" sam said crossing his arms "NO" milo and ben yelled "YES" sam yelled back "we are going to the zoo and thats it" harry said setting the twins down then took milo setting him down "go play" harry said the three ran off "let make more babies" harry said grabbing his hips "daddy can we go outside" sam asked louis looked at them and nodded "stay in the back yard" louis said not worried cuz they have a tall wall around the yard to keep the kids in and the un-wanted out the door shut harry turned louis to face the window that will only show his face harry pulled down the back of louis' pants "gonna fill you with my babies" harry said getting his cock out pushing it to louis already wet hole louis pushed back taking the cock in his bum

louis was baking cookies the nexts morning smiling its going to be for the two hour drive to the zoo he packed juice and milk with cookies and bananas knowing ben and milo love bananas and some fruit gummies for sam harry was dressing them

harry walked down the stairs twins in front of him milo in his arms "ready" he asked they nodded and ran off to the car harry went louis grabbed the back-pack and four sweaters for the four boys who have he heart he smiled locking the door going a...

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harry walked down the stairs twins in front of him milo in his arms "ready" he asked they nodded and ran off to the car harry went louis grabbed the back-pack and four sweaters for the four boys who have he heart he smiled locking the door going and getting in the car

"I WANT BANANAS" milo screamed the giggled louis handed his the banana then one to ben getting the gummies for sam louis handed harry a pb&j harry smiled

once at the zoo they b
Put milo into a stroller louis pushed it harry made sure the twins stayed with them ben was jumping around smiling louis smiled milo screamed when they walked to the monkeys trying to get out louis went over and got him out milo ran to the glass and pointed at them smiling "DADDY DADDY" milo yelled when a monkey walked up to the glass to him louis walked over and smiled

around lunch time milo was pasted out in the stroller ben pasted out in harry's arms and sam sitting on the seat in the back of the stroller louis smiled going to find a table harry sat ben into a seat then went to get everyone lunch ben sat up and looked at his daddy putting his arms out to him louis took the boy holding him smiling omegas with their kids or dates walked pasted and smiled at them harry walked back and put the food down he took ben sam took his hot dog and smiled biting it louis got milo out of the stroller "baby wake up time to eat" louis said rocking the boy lightly "n-no daddy" milo said cuddling into louis more "no babe wake up" louis said milo opened his eyes and looked at louis who grabbed a hot dog giving it to the boy who pouted eating it

once at home again louis put all three boys to bed then went to his room he heard low moans from the bathroom he walked over to it opening the door to see harry facing the sink hand in his boxers louis smiled closing the door walking over to harry "why dont you fuck me alpha" louis said smiling harry turned and pushed louis to have his ass out to harry face on the sink

( one month later )

"BOYS" louis yelled standing in front of his class two alphas were talking and making fun of a new omega they looked at him "move up to the front row now" he said they got up and went to the seats sitting down "now why dont you destiny read on for us" louis said sitting down at his desk destiny picked up her book

harry walked into louis' class hand on the back of sam's neck leading him into the class room "to liam harry" louis said harry nodded and led sam to liam "work on your math" louis said going to grade their spelling test ben walked over to the desk "d-daddy can we take a break we've been working non stop on our math" ben said playing with his fingers the hole class watched the two "go do your math ben" louis said not looking at him "b-but" ben said "GO"louis yelled ben ran out the classroom and right to harry's harry looked at the door that opened to see his crying son "give me a minute" harry said walking to his son picking him up going into the hall way "what wrong baby boy" harry asked "d-daddy yelled at me" he said hugging harry "why baby what happened" harry asked "I asked to t-take a break and he yelled at me" Ben said harry went to louis class to see louis sobbing the kids trying to clam him down "baby" harry said the kids moved away going to their seats louis looked up and stood going to Harry taking Ben holding him "I'm so sorry baby I'm so sorry" Louis said kissing his cheek Ben nodded hugging his daddy

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