Part 23

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Louis was rushed to the hospital at 3:30am hunter and Ben taking care of jade and kenth destiny and Sam taking care of Jason as Niall and Liam went with the two

"Come on jade" Ben said carrying the two year old into the living room he just changed her everyone was eating and watching a movie he sat her in her play pen hunter pulled Ben into his lap hands on his tummy Dustin was staring at the two Ben hid his face in hunters neck hunter whispering to him Ben giggled the rv door opened Ben jumped up going and taking the car seat going to the table letting the baby out smiling Louis smiled going over to them "this is baby Isaac Benjamin Sammy styles" Louis said ben smiled holding the baby rocking him "hello little bro" ben said kenth ran over Louis picked him up smiling kenth looked at the baby "another brother" Sam said standing with destiny "yes and another. Omega" harry said kissing Louis who smiled into it "he's so cute" Milo said Sam took the baby holding him Isaac smiled Sam smiled "give me him" Milo said taking him smiling at his baby brother "to many boys" Louis said smiling Ben smiled "sooo when's this baby girl gonna be born" Niall asked smiling hands going to bens bump hunter pressed up to bens back getting tarantula over his omega Niall smiled at them "around December I believe" Ben said Louis helped kenth hold Isaac harry taking pictures

Ben is now 8 months pregnant Isaac is now 4 months old

"Hello mr. Man" Ben said holding Isaac the rest of his family helping him and hunter move into one of the houses harry had built he has one for each of his kids Isaac's being built soon

"So little buddy" Ben said bouncing the baby who giggled as his bum softly touched his big brothers baby bump Louis and Niall walked in and smiled "can I take my baby" Louis asked "yes you can me" Ben said smiling Louis smiled and took Isaac Ben stood up Niall smiled helping him into his new house

"So little buddy" Ben said bouncing the baby who giggled as his bum softly touched his big brothers baby bump Louis and Niall walked in and smiled "can I take my baby" Louis asked "yes you can me" Ben said smiling Louis smiled and took Isaac Ben s...

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"Oh my god" Ben said he was stood in the master bedroom hunter wrapped his arms around Ben placing a kiss to his  neck "ok so your baby girls room" harry said taking Ben from hunter Ben giggled following his papa into his baby's room he covered hi...

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"Oh my god" Ben said he was stood in the master bedroom hunter wrapped his arms around Ben placing a kiss to his neck "ok so your baby girls room" harry said taking Ben from hunter Ben giggled following his papa into his baby's room he covered his mouth starting to cry harry hugged him "I love it" Ben cried Louis took his son smiling

Louis laid Isaac in bed before going to his room laying on top of harry who held his baby close "our baby is having a baby" harry said sighing "dad papa" Sam said laying nexts the two "what's up baby" Louis asked smiling at his son Sam sighed "so me and destiny were talking about having a baby and well she's pregnant" Sam said "but I don't know if I'll be good enough to raise the twins" Sam said "oh baby" Louis said getting up taking Sam into his arms "she's two months" Sam said hugging his dad "your going to be great how about me and your papa take Milo and kenth out and you and destiny can watch Isaac and jade" Louis said Sam nodded "I just don't want to let destiny down or mess up the babies. Or even disappoint you both" Sam said "you can never disappoint us" harry said taking Sam Isaac started screaming "go on sam" harry said Sam went to his brother

Sam and destiny took the kids to the park destiny holding Isaac Sam with jade on the swing destiny smiled watching them

"I love you" hunter said Ben had started feeling pain in his tummy Louis had come to the hospital right when hunter called him harry taking the kids to the park to pick up destiny jade Sam and Isaac

"Daddy don't leave me" Ben said he was having is daughter one month earlier and was very scared Louis kissed his cheek holding his hand "I have you don't worry" Louis said

"What did they name her" harry asked Over the phone "they don't want me to say but she's beautiful" Louis said smiling at the little family "oh come on I want to know my grand daughters name" harry whined "clam down hazza let them enjoy their new baby you'll meet her soon" Louis said

Ben laid his little girl in her crib "babe" Ben looked to see Sam destiny Niall Liam Louis and harry Ben smiled they all came around the crib "oh my" Niall said starting to cry Liam held him "what's her name" Sam asked Ben smiled "Zara Louise homes" ( I forgot hunters last name idk if I even put it in the book ) "my god" Niall said the baby got fussy Ben nodded at Niall. Niall picked her up smiling "I remember when the twins and Jason were this small" niall said Liam holding his hips "we should have another baby" Liam said "I wouldn't mind another kgirl" Niall said Liam kissed his cheek smiling "maybe in a year or two tho"

Ben was up early with hunter trying to dress Zara for milo's 13th birthday party she was put in a i love my uncle shirt with a tutu and little flats hunter fed her as Ben got dressed

Once at the party Louis and Ben traded babies Isaac giggled up at his brother who was making faces at him Zara was pasted on to people Dustin just got her hunter went over and to  his baby omega from him not letting anyone touch his baby or mate Ben took Zara smiling at her Isaac with Niall

Ben held a fussy omega hunter at work Louis walked into the house with Milo and Isaac Milo took Isaac Louis taking Zara


Hey guys. I know it's short but I wanted to get it out for you. I got a new phone so that's why it's put up a little bit short and if you could maybe you can comment want you want to see happen in this book

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