Part 2

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mr. james ^^

louis' pov 

i sat in the head master office harry sat nexts to me he called my dad and harry's dad to come for a talk when there was a knock on the door i looked to see my dad walking in with a look of disappointment on his face "mr. tomlinson please take a seat" the head master said dad nodded and sat down "sorry in late" a man said walking in harry looked down the head master nodded "take a seat" he said the man sat nexts to harry me and harry in the middle of our dads "so what happened" harry's dad asked "well robin your son and his new omega louis here were in the hall way girding and making out" head master said leaning back i looked down letting a tear fall knowing my mum would be told about this "louis" i looked up at my dad "i told you yesterday to not mess up today i told you louis and now your mother is going to be disappointed in you" he said making more tears fall "i-im sorry dad" i say crying he looked away i looked down and wiped my eyes harry took my hand and held it

i sat in my dad's car on our way home he called mum and told her i was crying in my seat looking out the window "come on louis" he said opening my door i got out and walked with him into the house mum sat on the sofa with a tea "louis" she said i wiped my eyes but the tears keep falling "im s-sorry mummy" i say she put the cup down and opened her arm i ran into them and cried "sh baby"she said rubbing my back 

i sat on the sofa talking with her "so you didnt mean for anything to heat up that fast" she asked "no" i say she nodded "im not mad" i smiled at her "i am" i look to see dad leaned on the door frame "i told you to let me meet him before hand" "im sorry daddy" i say he nodded and walked over sitting down pulling onto his lap holding me "its ok son" he said rubbing my back 

i took my shower then went to my bed laying down texting harry before going to bed

i woke up and got dressed in my red pants the make my bum look huge and my striped shirt that i love with my vans i walked down stairs i heard my father taking to someone in the living room i looked in to see harry sat with my mum and dad i back up and grabbed my back "dad mum im off to- hi harry" i say smiling he smiled at me "louis harry's going to drive you" mum said i nodded harry stood up "well sir it was nice to talk things over with you" harry said shacking my dad's hand then my mum i walked and hugged them before turning to harry taking his hand walking out with him to his car i got in and smiled at him he leaned over and kissed me i giggled as he started driving 

i sat in class looking around "louis tell me what i just said" mr. james was teaching us for this day ms. gold with harry's class "mm something about being a omega" i say shrugging he looked at me "why are you not paying any time to this what were you thinking about" he asked people looked at niall smiled at me i blushed "mm nothing sir" i say "no no go on tell us" he said "well mm i was thinking about harry" i say some people giggled "what about" he asked crossing his arms "h-his biceps and his bum" i say he nodded "ok" he said and got up going to the phone calling someone "hello ms. gold is harry is the class" he asked my eyes went wide looking at him he smiled at me "hello harry i have louis here day dreaming about your biceps and bum" he said i went red "ok sure bye" he said and hung up "ok so omegas" he said pointing at the broad 

i sat bored out of my mind till the three knocks on the door came and the alphas came in harry sat nexts to me arm around me his hand in my back pocket  of my jeans "mm" he said feeling my bum i giggled and went red "its the alphas job to keep their omega happy and cared for it your jobs not done right you could lose your rights to a omega to your omega" mr. james said sitting on the desk with crossed arms looking at everyone "OI no kissing" he yelled looking at the back were a boy and a girl were making out they pulled apart the girl blushing "SIR" someone yelled he looked at them "yes" he asked "w-why are you so mean" he asked "cuz im trying to make you all into the best you can be but people keep thinking about bums and making out" he said looking at me i hid my face as i went red 

after class me and harry walked in the halls holding hands "harry louis" i look to see niall running to us i smiled at him "hi niall" i say he smiled "hi liam texted his outside for lunch" niall said and started walking me and harry with him i smiled at him who ran and picked up niall holding him kissing him i looked at harry who smiled at me "their cute" i say he nodded and lifted me up sitting me onto the car truck pulling me to him by my legs i giggled and held onto him he kissed my nose "no sex on my car" liam called i giggled and nodded he kissed niall "STYLES" we all turn to see a man walking over my eyes went wide i gripped onto harry he held me "who are you" harry asked "kenth" he said and smiled at me "long time no see louis thought you could run away from me" he said harry looked at him "you have no right to talk to my omega like that" harry said letting me go and pushing kenth back "you fucker" kenth said and jumped on harry they both fell to the floor fighting people were yelling and cheering i sat there shitting my pants watching i covered my eyes and started to cry 

i felt someone pull my arms door i open my eyes to see harry with a busted eyebrow "harry" i say taking his face in my hands looking him over he smiled and kissed me i kissed him back before pulling away "your so fucking stupid" i say pulling him into a kiss i pulled back and slapped him lightly "you fucker" i say pushing him away getting down "babe" he said i turned away from him "baby" he said pulling me by my hips to him "no" i say turning to face him "i don't like people fighting" i say punching his chest he grabbed my hands holding them leaning down kissing me cheek "im sorry boo" he said i nodded "fine only cuz your cute" i say smiling he smiled with me leaning down kissing me again i giggled into it and pulled away smiling "take me home" i say he nodded and pulled me to his car "wow its only four" i say he nodded and opened the door for me i got in and we left 

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