Part 26

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Two years later
( Ben, sam, destiny, and Dustin are 20. Isaac and Zara are 4 Jason and jasmine are 3 3/4 Milo is 16, Kenth is 10, Jada is 6, jayla is 2 )

"Come on honey" Louis said helping jayla learn how to say daddy so she can give her daddy a shock the baby looked at her granddad "daddy" Louis said smiling "da" the baby said Louis picked her up kissing her cheek "good job baby" Louis said and sat her back down "da da da" the baby screamed Louis smiled and picked her up "lets go see daddy" Louis said going to bens new house he opened the front door "benny" Louis called he heard a groan from upstairs Louis went up stairs to the master bed room opening the door he froze in shock "dada" jayla said smiling Ben screamed pushing Dustin away from his ass and covering up "oh my god I'm so sorry I uh I'll go" Louis said taking jayla to her room the baby giggled seeing her grandad as red as a firetruck "don't" Louis said hiding his face in the babies tummy the girl screamed and giggled Louis sighed putting her down the door opened and Ben walked in face red "um" Ben said jayla stood up and went to her daddy she had beat the odds on never walking or talking but she is still on the slower side Ben picked her up "is that why you had me watch jayla" Louis asked Ben nodded blushing "are you going into your heat" Louis asked "no I'm pregnant again and you know how it gets" Ben said Louis smiled "how far along are you" Louis asked "two months it's uh triplets" Louis smiled and hugged him "that is awesome baby" Louis said smiling Ben smiled "in hoping for some boys" Louis smiled "your probably going to have all girls and omegas that's what happened with me but sense sam was a alpha I had a opportunity to have another alpha" Louis said Dustin walked into the room "pa" jay yelled Dustin took her the girls call him papa they both only have memory of him in their life witch Ben was thankful for he smiled "your dad will be dropping off Zara soon so you can tell him the great news" Louis said and went down stairs starting to cook dinner for the family Ben went to help

Ben had his whole family over Milo even brought his alpha Jamie who is FTM transgender "ok everyone" Ben said standing up "ok so me and Dustin have been trying for a baby for some time now and we have had luck on our side and he gave us more then one" Ben said "twins" destiny asked smiling her twins looked at her "no triplets" Dustin said smiling Ben smiled

"Dustin" Ben moaned his back has been killing him and Dustin was rubbing it for him Ben rubbed his 9 month belly smiling the bed room door opened and Zara with jayla ran in jumping on the bed Ben pulled his girls to him smiling they smiled rubbing his baby bump "babies" Zara said smiling "bun" jayla said smiling Ben kissed they cheeks "come on the family are having a big dinner we are planing our summer trip in two months" Ben said getting up and picking up jayla Dustin getting Zara

"So" Louis said holding jayla the baby playing with his hair "where are we going to go" harry asked "to a theme park" Milo said Jamie nodding arm around Milo "ok all in favour" everyone but jayla out their hand up "so it's settled" harry said they all nodded Ben looked at Dustin who smiled "its time" Ben said they all looked at him seeing the wet spot forming on the sofa Louis clapped his hands and smiled

"So" Louis said holding jayla the baby playing with his hair "where are we going to go" harry asked "to a theme park" Milo said Jamie nodding arm around Milo "ok all in favour" everyone but jayla out their hand up "so it's settled" harry said they...

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( first born Lilly alpha, five minutes after Lola alpha, then by another five minutes luke omega )

Harry had got a bus for all of them Louis sat with Lola Ben with Luke Dustin with Lilly Isaac and Zara jasmine and jayla Kenth and Jason harry and Liam Milo and Jamie destiny and sam

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Harry had got a bus for all of them Louis sat with Lola Ben with Luke Dustin with Lilly Isaac and Zara jasmine and jayla Kenth and Jason harry and Liam Milo and Jamie destiny and sam. And Niall by himself in front of Louis Dustin across The aisle from Ben so they still talk

"Ok everyone seat belts on" Liam called from the front of the bus Louis and Ben got up making sure the kids had their belts on before sitting down and doing up their belts "this is going to be awesome" Milo said smiling Ben smiled him and Louis were staying with the triplets and off the rides "so I'll take the double stroller with Luke and Lola papa can push Zara and Isaac in the other double stroller and dad you can take Lilly" Ben said Louis nodded smiling "sounds good" Louis said Ben smiled


Pretty sure I updated three times now. I need to know would you like shorter chapters and more updates or long chapters and a little less updates so I have time to write them ??

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