Part 20

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Louis was running around trying to get ready jade was now 10 months old and giggled in her bouncer watching her family running and grabbed everything for the twins birthday party they were having at the water park Harry couldn't find his phone Louis lost jades water seat milo lost his swim trunks ken looking for his sun glasses and the twins fighting over a pair of shoes "got my phone ken your sunglasses are in the van Louis check her room boys you have another pair like those in your room and Ben check you clothes on your bed" Harry said everyone ran off Harry picked up jade who had on a baby bikini "hello alpha number three" he said the baby giggled

Once they got to the water park the Paynes and hunter were waiting already Louis got out and let the kids out taking jade putting her into her stroller going over to the 6 "sorry we are late" Louis said the twins going to their mates Niall took jade smiling Liam holding Jason smiling

Louis was sat in the kitty pool with jade Niall and Jason Harry with milo ken and Liam the twins and their mate on the water slides "15 my babies are 15" Louis said sighing "so 15 to 10 months old" Niall said he nodded smiling he saw Ben and hunter now laying down on a sun chair cuddling Louis smiled "you know I think jade is my last baby" Louis said looking at Niall "really" he asked "yeah I already have 5 now" Louis said "nope more to come" Harry said setting ken and milo in the water sitting down behide Louis and jade holding them "you just like making them" Louis said Harry nodded kissing his neck "stop it it's the kids day not ours" Louis said "two more days and it's our 15 year" Harry said Louis smiled "15 years wow" Louis said Harry nodded "that's when your having another baby cooking" Niall said "Niall gets it" Harry said Louis rolled his eyes and turned to jade who giggled "I want another girl then" Louis said smiling at his baby girl who giggled "and a omega" Harry said "I think I want a alpha again so then it'll be four omegas and four alphas" louis said Harry smiled

They all were stood around the twins watching them open gifts "this is from hunter to Ben then he got you one Sam" Louis said "awe" Ben said looking at the frame it was pictures of every picture they took and something from anything they did Ben placed a small kiss to his cheek making the alpha blush Louis smiled "sweet $30" Sam said Louis giggled

There was a lot of money candy and clothes plus shoes for the gifts Ben and hunter were back to cuddling everyone was cuddling waiting for the fireworks to go off Louis smiled looking around ken and milo were cuddling Louis jade and Harry. Niall Liam. Destiny and Sam. Dustin and Jason


Hey I know it's short but I ending the book her thank you for reading

I'm just fucking with you it's not the end comment what you want to see happen in his book please 😁😁

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