Chapter 2: Hat of Tricks

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Chapter Two: Hat of Tricks

Rose POV

"Al 'n Rosie! Good to see ye'. Are yer excited?" Hagrid wrapped us up in a bone crushing hug when we got on the platform.

"Of course! Can't wait!" I exclaimed.

Clarabelle couldn't take her eyes off the half giant. "Hagrid, this is Clarabelle. She's our new friend," Al introduced her.

Hagrid chuckled. "Well, any frien' of these lot are friends o' mine!" he said, gently shaking her small hand in his huge ones.

He straightened up and bellowed, "Alrigh', first years after me. C'mon. First years."

A swarm of first years followed Hagrid off the platform and to the Black Lake, where a small group of boats bobbed around in the gentle waves.

I heard Clarabelle gasp beside me, along with many of the others. The Black Lake glistened in the starlight and the Hogwarts was lit in the moonlight. The windows in the building made the castle appear like it was covered in muggle fairy lights.

It was breathtaking.

"Righ', four in a boa'," Hagrid said. Al, myself, Clarabelle and Emma Finnegan (Seamus Finnegan's daughter) clambered in one of the many small boats.

"Hi, Rose and Al! Hi, I'm Emma," Emma Finnegan gave Al and myself  a one armed hug while shaking hands with Clarabelle. "Aw, I'm so excited. I hope I'm in Gryffindor. The three of us will probably be in the same house together, and maybe you Clarabelle! Oh, I can't wait!"

Emma was telling us a tale about her holiday in Ireland, when I saw Scorpius Malfoy again. But this time I saw him properly, not like on the platform or the couple of seconds on the Hogwarts Express.

His blonde hair seemed to glisten in the moonlight. His pale features were glowing in the reflection of the lake water. Why did I have to have such attractive competition?

Attractive? Rose, stop it. You're eleven for goodness sake! And besides, his father bullied your parents at school! Malfoy is obviously bad news.

"C'mon, Rose!" Al said, tugging me out of the boat.

We followed Hagrid up to the entrance of Hogwarts. The grounds were truly beautiful.

"Welcome, first years! Welcome to Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My name is Professor Longbottom. Right, so what's going to happen is that you are going to be called up to the front and you're going to have the Sorting Hat on your head and sit on the stool. It's going to be completely painless, so don't worry. Just keep calm and you'll be fine! Good luck!" Neville rattled off all in one breath, smiling down at us. "Oh, and don't forget to take it off."

As we walked into the castle, I dragged Al and Clarabelle up to the front, so I could say hello to Neville.

"Oh, Rose and Al!! I hope you are excited! No, don't be silly, don't worry about it at all! No, Al, it doesn't matter if you're in Slytherin. Oh, hello. Clarabelle is it? Its very nice to meet you! No, honestly, its completely safe," Neville answered our questions with ease.

We reached the doors of the Great Hall.


My heart was racing. My breathing became faster and I had to stop myself from hyperventilating. I could feel Clarabelle trembling beside me, and Al was turning a nasty shade of green.

"Right, everyone, this is it! Take nice steady breathes and you'll be fine!" Neville said, encouragingly (I should really start calling him Professor Longbottom, I suppose).

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