Chapter Seven: Crying and Crookshanks.

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Chapter Seven: Crying Girls.

"I can't believe you hexed her," my cousin Fred said beside me laughing disbelievingly.

I huffed. "Well, you better. That evil tart got what she deserved," I said, polishing yet another trophy.

I was in my first detention ever, polishing trophies in the Trophy room.  Fred and James were with me because of some prank they played on our cousin Lucy (she was a bit stuck up and forever disapproving of Fred and James, so they decided to put a vomiting pill in her food. Again).

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," James shook his head.

"Shut up," I couldn't help but grin, chucking a rag at his head. "Like I said, she got what she deserved."

"Sheesh," Fred laughed. "You're scary, Rosie. A bit Aunt Hermione-esque. Feisty! Speaking of feisty, mate, did you hear about that Rogers chick-"


"-getting Seeker? I reckon we got competition, eh James?" Fred laughed. He was beater on the Gryffindor team, along with cousin Louis.

"She what!" James exclaimed, dropping the trophy he was polishing (by coincidence, it was the trophy my Dad and Uncle Harry had gotten as a reward for saving Aunt Ginny in Second year).

Fred nodded. "You heard didn't you? Apparently she's really good, as well. I'm looking forward to a bit of a tough Quidditch Season," Fred rubbed his hands together gleefully.

James clenched his fists. "Yeah," was all he said.


Nancy laughed while Emma's mouth popped open. "You what?!"

"Er, yeah," I grinned sheepishly, while smacking the a sneaking plant away. "I hexed her."

"Blimey," was all she could say.

Nancy shrugged, planting a pod. "She's never done anything to me, personally, but I still don't get good vibes from that girl, know what I mean?"

"Yes, yes I do," I nodded in agreement while the two girls had to smuffle their laughter in case Nevi- Professor Longbottom heard.

"Is it true you got a Howler, Weasley?" a boy called Conor Rork (Ravenclaw) asked

My face burnt up. "Yes, Conor, its true."

The lanky boy shivered. "Yikes, I heard they are nasty. And, it was from your mum. So they're always the scariest," he told us.

Rose Weasley! I am so disappointed in you! I did not raise you up so that you could hex harmless girls! (insert derisive snort here) I hope you fully apologise to that poor girl, Rose Weasley.

If I ever here about something like this again, I am stopping your pocket money.

Short but sweet, right? A minute after I got the Howler, I received a small note from Hugo.

Mum's gone bat poo crazy, just to let you know.


Thanks for the tip, little bro.



Uh oh.

I turned around in my seat, crossing my arms. "What do you want, Malfoy?" I asked nonchalantly, putting down my Transfiguration essay.

His eyes blazed. "What the hell did you do to Isabella?"

"I hexed her. Duh," I said, smirking.

Malfoy growled. Actually growled. "I know that! But why?"

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