Chapter Four: A little More Havoc

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Chapter Four: A little move Havoc.

Rose POV

As my friends chatted about something other than the infuriating, idiotic, pretentious git that was Malfoy, out of the corner of my eye, I watched something yellow hurl itself towards me.

Custard hit me straight in the face.

I turned to see Malfoy burst out laughing, along with his mates.


The warm custard slid down my face. Everyone was laughing at me, including my own friends. Clarabelle was clutching at her sides, while Karen and Abby were giggling and trying to clean me up.

I stood up, picked up a portion of the nearest food to me (Eton mess,  thankfully) and hurled it at Malfoy.


The gloopy dessert found itself in his blonde hair and he shrieked. He clawed desperately at the creamy meringue, and I cackled.


Karen screamed as fudge cake hit her square in the chest. The normally quiet, sweet Karen chucked a pan cake towards Malfoy, hitting Danny Parker.

And then, all hell broke loose. Danny hit Clarabelle, who hit some sixth year Hufflepuff, who hit Abby who hit a Gryffindor who hit my cousin Louis, who hit James who hit Clarabelle again... Etc.

I was cackling like a hag, hurling food in every direction. Suddenly, I was pulled under the table.

"Rosie! What do we do?" Abby hissed, narrowly dodging a cherry pie.

"I don't know!!! Oh, this is brilliant!" I laughed.

Karen joined us, tapioca in her black hair. "Rose! We're going to get into so much trouble!" Karen hissed, with a grin on her face.

It dawned on me, we were going to be in a lot of trouble.

My mother would go mental!!!!

Uh oh.


A small bakewell tart hit me in the back of my head. Malfoy was smirking at me, Eaton mess still in his hair.

I took a handle full of the pie that had nearly hit Abby and threw it with all my might, aiming for Malfoy.

But it hit Professor McGonagall. In the face.

Everyone froze in action.

Cherry sauce dripped down her sharp features. A large cherry rolled down her face and hit her robes.

I was as good as dead.

"Who threw this pie?" McGonagall asked, her voice quiet but dangerous.

I couldn't move.

"Who threw this cherry pie?" she asked again.

Abby gave me a little push. "Own up to it now, otherwise you'll be in more trouble when she finds out by herself," she whispered.

I got out from under the table. "I- I- I did, Professor."

She turned sharply. "Miss Weasley?"

I was shaking, terrified. I was going to be expelled, I was sure of it!! It was only November, and I was going to be expelled! My parents who kill me! I'd be the shame of the family! People who call me Rose the Failure. I was only eleven and my life was already over-

"Nice shot," she said, simply.

I gawked at her. Nice shot? So, no expulsion? Wow.

"I expect everyone to clean this up now. Without magic," Professor McGonagall ordered. She looked at me once more and, I swear, she winked.

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