Mixed Magical Messages

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Disclaimer: Harry Potter is JK Rowling's.

First Year

Chapter One: First Impressions aren't all what they seem.

Scorpius POV

My father always told me to judge people on how they are and not how their families were. He told me be good and kind and people will respect you for you.

Well, Merlin, was he wrong.

"Scorpius, are you ok?" Danny Parker asked me, as the trained jolted suddenly.

No, I wasn't. I was a nervous wreck inside. "Yeah, sure. This is Hogwarts, yeah. Course," I lied, managing a weak smile.

"I know, mate. This is going to be great!" Blake Zabini told us, giddy.

They launched into a conversation about what subjects they think they'll like and hate. I liked the idea of Transfiguration and flying. I knew this guy, who just left Hogwarts, was a metamorphmagus, Teddy Lupin. We're related (distant cousins or something) but have never had anything to do with each other.

Because I'm a Malfoy.

I've always wanted to change myself. Not necessarily my appearance but... My name. I mean, Scorpius? I think my parents must've had too much firewhiskey.

But Malfoy was much, much worse...

"Oh, Al! I can't find an empty compartment! We'll have to sit with James," a girl's voice broke my train of thought.

"Uh, just our luck. He's just going to waffle on about Quidditch. Again," a male voice groaned.

"Oh, look there's an empty one right there! Quick lets grab it!" the girl exclaimed. They walked on past our compartment, the boy tripping over his own feet.

"Albus Potter, you clumsy boy!" the girl cried, exasperated.

Potter?! Oh no.

My father also said to stay well away from the Potter/ Weasley Clan.

"They're perfectly nice people, Scorpius," he told me (almost begrudgingly)," But they don't like Malfoys. When I was a young boy, I made many, many stupid mistakes. Unforgivable mistakes."

I turned very slowly, just to look at them through the glass of the compartment door. A girl with bright red, curly hair and a freckly face was berating Potter. Rose Weasley, I realized. I started to sweat, my anxiety rising quickly.

I mean, I knew that there would be Weasley/ Potters at Hogwarts already but having TWO in the same year sounded like my kind of hell.

"They don't like Malfoys, Scorpius."

I honestly didn't think things could get much worse.

Rose POV

"Albus Potter, you clumsy boy!" I exclaimed, half exasperated, half teasing.

"It's not my fault that I'm possibly the most uncoordinated wizard in the whole wide world!" Al said, lifting a hand up, indicating that I should help him up.

I suddenly got a cold shiver down my spine, as if we were being watched.

I turned my head slowly, to see a blonde haired boy staring at us, while his friends were engaged in a giddy conversation.

As soon as he spotted that I found him staring, he blushed pink and turned away quickly.

Why was he staring...

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