Chapter Nine: Explosive Chemistry

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Third Year

Rose POV

I clapped as Hugo was placed in Gryffindor. My eleven year old brother grinned at me, and sat down beside cousin Lily.

"That's nice that they got put in Gryffindor," Abby said, piling her plate high with carrots.

"Mmm hmm," I said with a mouthful of mash. "'Ish gweat!! Dad wi' be so 'appy"

"Ew! Say it, don't spray it, girl!" Karen laughed.

Lily and Hugo came over to me and gave me a big hug. "Did you see me, Rosie?" Hugo asked excitedly. "I'm a Gryffindor!"

I laughed and ruffles his hair. "Way to go, Hugo," I smiled.

Lewis came over and sat beside me. "Hey," he said, grinning shyly.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach and I smiled. "Hi."

Lily pulled a face. "Get a room," she said.

"Shouldn't you be at Gryffindor table?" I asked irritably.

Hugo grinned. "See you, Rose!"

I gave Lily and Hugo one more hug, and as I did I felt a pair of eyes staring at me.

Not for the first time.


"Aw! That's so cute, Rosie!"Abby reading the latest letter from my boyfriend, Lewis.

"So sweet, I might actually hurl," Karen joked.

I lay in my four-poster bed, glad to be back at Hogwarts. "Yeah, sweet," I smiled.

A girl from our dorm, Elle Menson, walked in. She was really shy, and hadn't talked to us much. Didn't really talk to anyone much.

"Oh, hi," she said, blushing. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"Not at all, Elle," Karen grinned, "We're just reading letters from Rose's boyfriend."

Elle's eyebrows shot up. "Boyfriend?"

Karen grinned at me. "Lewis Bank."

Elle looked at me in shock and burst out laughing. "L-L-Lewis?"

I crossed my arms, getting defensive. "And what is wrong with Lewis?" I scowled.

Elle's eyes widened. "Oh, I didn't mean to cause offense," she apologized. "I just can't picture the two of you together."

"How so?" Abby wanted to know.

Elle struggled for words. "Well, he's so soft and well, Rose, you're as tough as nails!"

Karen and Abby burst out laughing. More like cackling. A girl named Hayley Sill popped her head round the door. "Am I missing something terribly important?"

And that is how we ended up staying up until about three in the morning, talking about boys and whatnot.

For once, I felt like a proper girl.


Scorpius POV

"Could Weasley and Bank snog anymore?" Nadine asked sarcastically when we sat in the library.

Probably not. The two of them were snogging constantly, at breakfast, between classes, lunch, dinner, after dinner, while studying etc.

Name any time, any place, I can guarantee they were snogging.

Danny shrugged. "It's just weird, you know? Bank is a bloody pansy and-"

"-Weasley is not," Blake agreed. He turned to me. "Don't you think? I mean, she could kick your arse any day of the week."

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