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Year Four       

"Ah!" Karen and Al cried as the cards exploded.

Abby jumped half a mile. "Seriously, guys! Exploding snap gives me a heart attack," she said, clutching her heart.

Nancy laughed. "Oh, poor you," she sniggered.

Clarabelle lay her head on my lap. "Watcha' reading, Rosie Red?" she asked, trying to grab my attention away from my book.

"Don't say that like it's goodbye," Ian said.

But I had to. "I, Wanderer the Soul, love you, Ian the Human..."

"The Host?" Al pretended to groan. "Not again, surely?"

"Shut up, Al," I said, holding my book close to my heart. "It's beautiful."

"Hey, guys. Rose," Lewis poked his head around out compartment door and smiled at me. I grinned back, glad that our break up hadn't affected our friendship.

"S'up, Lew?" Clarabelle asked. "Want a chocolate frog, mate?"

Lewis sat down beside Nancy. "Heard you lot went to the Quidditch World Cup," he said, taking a bite.

Abby grinned. "Oh, it was fabulous! My Dad got tickets from the ministry. We all got a seat together."

"Al's mum was awesome," Karen said. "Real kickass. Best Seeker in the century, I'm sure!'

"Ahem," Clarabelle coughed, making us all laugh. "Being serious though, she's my hero!"

Al blushed. "Well, my mum is pretty awesome."

"To Aunt Ginny and her awesomeness," I toasted with my pumpkin pasty.

We dissolved in a fit of laughter.


"Damn, is Ginny Potter a Goddess of a Seeker," Nadine said, admiring her new posters.

Danny nodded. "You've got that one right. Spain didn't stand a chance against us British folks this year," he chuckled.

"You guys were so lucky," Blake said. "I had to listen the match on the wireless!"

I grinned. "Next time, I'll get Dad to get us an extra ticket, yeah?"

Blake smiled. "Yes, you will."

Danny kicked his feet up, placing his smelly feet beside Nadine's head. "Ew, gross, Dan!!"

I rolled my eyes as the two began to bicker again. Seriously, they never shut up.

"Hey Scorpy!" Clarabelle sang as she jumped up on my lap. I laughed as my best friend gave me a hug.

I ruffled her short hair affectionately. "Hey Shorty."

Danny protested. "Don't I get a hug?"

Clarabelle wrinkled her nose. "No, your feet stink."

"Told you, Danny!"

"Shut up, Norris!"

"And there they go again," Blake smiled.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked Clarabelle.

"I cam to see you!" she grinned. I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged,"Oh, so Potter came to see Al... But still!"

I gave her a knowing look. She flushed pink and turned to Nadine. "So, I asked Ginny-"

"Potter?!" Nadine cried.

"-and she taught me how to do that move she did when she got the snitch, and I know I can do this! I can win this year! We will kick ass!"


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