15 - More Than Just a Dream

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Harry didn't exactly ask Niall upfront to become his. It was something he thought was an unspoken agreement. After what they'd said and been through, there were together in Harry's mind but in Niall's, it was that way all along.

Despite that, Niall still didn't let Harry give him a kiss. The blonde wanted to take things slow. He knew he had to be careful with Harry although it was so hard to contain what he feels sometimes. He's impulsive while Harry overthinks things.

When Harry offered him back the familiar black collar, the blonde's heart melted. Niall wanted Harry to keep it. He liked that Harry wore it as a bracelet.

In the end, they'd come to a compromise.

Harry had to admit to Louis that he loved Niall. That was the condition Niall gave Harry. If the curly haired lad wouldn't say it to Zayn then he had to say it to Louis in front of Niall.

So Harry drove Niall back to Louis'. He checked his watch multiple times trying to make sure there isn't a chance he'll run into Zayn. He glanced at Niall through the corner of his eyes. The boy was still frightened about riding in cars. He gripped the leather seat beneath him so hard it looked painful.

"Nothing's gonna happen." Harry said in a soothing tone, reaching a hand over to gently pry one of Niall's hands off the seat to intertwine it with his.

"Okay, Harry." Niall believed him.

Again there was that slightly painful familiar tug at Harry's chest. It was like an ache that radiated from the center of his chest when Niall did things that sort of broke his heart and put it back together at the same time.

After what he'd done, Niall trusted him.

As they pulled up to a red light, Harry took the opportunity to bring their clasped hands up to press a light feathery kiss against the back of Niall's hand. Immediately the blue-eyed boy's face began to glow pink.

The curly-haired lad tried to hide his smile as he drove the rest of the way to Louis'.

When they enter Louis' flat, Liam is sitting with Louis on the brown suede couch just watching TV idly and eating pizza right out of the box. They both turned to look at the boys standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Well?" Louis called through a mouthful of pizza.

"Should the kitten be with Harry?" Liam whispered to Louis feeling like he was missing some key information.

"You wouldn't have missed it if you weren't lovin' up your girlfriend." Louis teased.

"Guys!" Harry snaps.

The attention settles back on Harry.

Niall cowers behind Harry wondering if he will actually do what he says he will. He also wants Harry to hurry because that loaded pizza looks pretty damn good.

The rhythm of Harry's heart quickens and his stomach is doing countless little flips as Louis and Liam stare at him expectantly. He couldn't let Niall down for the second time. He begins to say 'Never mind' but shakes his head and pushes the correct words past his lips.

"I love Niall." His voice wavers but all that matters is that he's said it.

Harry's broken out into a cold sweat and he feels like the silence is going to be the death of him until Liam and Louis start clapping and cheering for them.

Niall jumps onto Harry's back and presses a kiss to Harry's heated cheek. The green-eyed boy's hands went straight to the blonde's thighs to hold up him up.

"Harry did it." The blonde praised him, burying his face in Harry's pretty curls.

And god did that praise feel so fucking amazing to Harry.

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