32 - Betrayed By Bones

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"You have 68 new messages. To hear these messages, press-"


'Sometimes when you're talking to me I imagine your lips around my cock.'


'It's me again. You remember when we snogged and you told me it was no big deal? Well I decided it is a big deal.'


'Zayn this is your mum...I'm kidding, it's Louis.'


'But soft! What light through yonder window breaks! It is east and Zayn is the sun!'


'Why can't you just love me too?'

The voicemails only got needier and needier as Zayn listened to each one while he stood on Louis' doorstep. Some of them made him smile like the one of Louis singing Wouldn't It Be Nice by the Beach Boys but others made his heart ache with guilt.

Without meaning to, he sees the kiss in his mind. He sees Louis pleading with his eyes and perhaps it was his own fault for not telling him no. There was this rush of adrenaline that filled Zayn's veins as if he was doing something dangerous, something he shouldn't be doing. It gave him that odd feeling in the pit of stomache, the sensation you get when you're asleep and you feel as if you're about to fall.

Zayn had kissed Niall before but there was something very sweet about that kiss. It wasn't romantic per se since Zayn didn't have those types of thoughts about the boy.

But did he have those types of thoughts about Louis? Sure they flirted an awful lot and Louis always said these suggestive things but he'd never thought Louis actually meant them.

He can't say the kiss they shared was nothing yet at the same time he can't say that he returns Louis' feelings. Zayn's loved girls for so long and there was never a doubt in his mind that he was straight.

But damn there were some things about Louis that were so feminine. Like his hands. There were kinda small and girlish. Even Louis' flirtatious mannerisms were a bit out there and Zayn wouldn't admit out loud that it secretly thrilled him when Louis would throw some flirtatious wit his way.

To top it off there was that glorious backside of Louis'. It's hard to miss and such a lovely thing to behold. They've all been caught staring at it and it's clear Louis doesn't mind the attention.

Zayn's even thought about touching it more than once.

Louis is Louis though, a best mate that he sees nearly every day. The fact was that Zayn's a straight man but he doesn't have it in him to crush Louis that way.

Ever since the night of the kiss, things had been different and awkward.

Despite all these conflicting thoughts, what worried Zayn was that he wouldn't mind kissing Louis again. But is a measly kiss enough to push him into a life of homosexuality? It was enough to make his stomach hurt as he thought it all over.

Now what was he supposed to do? Pretend he hadn't heard the voicemails? He listened to every single one. He listened to Louis pour his drunken heart out and it was agonizing listening to his mate go on about how perfect his lips were to how much of a selfish prick he is.

What is there left to do but face Louis? He doesn't know what to say or even think. Zayn wishes he didn't have to face him. What if Louis asks him about the voicemails? What if Louis wants him to listen to them and talk to him?

God it was all so confusing.

Zayn stood there, a migraine forming as he leaned against the door.

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