Epilogue - The End Is Only the Beginning

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Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam sat around the living room sipping beers (milky tea for Niall). Zayn, Louis and Liam share the couch while Harry has Niall curled up in his lap in the recliner that’s really meant for one person. They’re all quite contemplative on the past few months. It’s been a whirlwind and exciting to say the least. Above that, it’s bittersweet thinking of what’s next for them all.

"You know, things are gonna change." Liam speaks up first when the silence becomes too much between them all.

Everyone nods solemnly except the blonde.

"Change? Why?" Niall asks, genuinely curious.

Why were things going to change? He likes the way things are now. Change can’t be good.

"Well, kitty cat, I have to go back to work. Zayn is beginning noon classes. Liam and Louis are going back to school for the whole day. So I don't reckon things will feel the same anymore." Harry explains gently to the boy cuddling against his side, tousled blonde hair tickling his jaw as he speaks.

The blue eyed boy blinks owlishly. What did this mean for him?

"I will not see everybody anymore?" Niall questions, looking from face to face.

The group collectively melts at the fondness in Niall's voice. It's understandable. It'll be hard on the blonde to go from seeing all the lads every day and having their attention to seeing them less and having himself lowered a few notches in their priorities.

"You'll still see us, cat boy." Louis smiles.

The words don't do very much to quell the lump in Niall's stomache. What'll he do while everyone becomes busy? Being alone never mattered much when he was a cat but now? Being alone made him depressed and well, lonely.

"He's right. Louis will be chasing Zayn's tail around this flat so you'll still see your best buddy." Harry teases, kissing Niall’s temple lovingly.

"Liam? Will see you more too?" Niall asks Liam directly.

Liam flushes. He’ll never comprehend why Niall has such a soft spot for him."Me and Louis will be studying together and he'll be here supposedly ‘chasing Zayn's tail’ so I would say so." Liam smiles.

"And Harry?" The blonde turns back to Harry.

Niall could learn to live with seeing the lads less but he doubts whether he could handle less of Harry.

"You'll see me the same amount." Harry grins, dimples deep in his cheeks.

The butterflies erupt in Niall’s belly. He hopes Harry looks at him this way for the rest of his existence.

"If Louis' going to school, who's staying with Niall in the day time?" Liam asks, taking a swig of his beer.

"Zayn." Harry answers easily.

"You know I'm no morning person." Zayn warns, scratching lightly at the scruff on his chin.

"Perhaps he can take up Mr. Breslin's offer to have a few guitar lessons." Louis wags his eyebrows up and down suggestively much to Harry’s horror.

Harry's cheeks pink. "Nothing he can't learn through YouTube." Harry sniffs derivately.

"Maybe a hobby would be good for him." Zayn tilts his head, agreeing as he watches Niall nose at Harry’s cheek like a needy kitten.

"Did you forget the part where that man's a stranger? I'm not handing Niall off to a stranger." Harry snaps, eyes narrowing at Zayn. If Zayn didn’t trust him in the beginning why would he trust a stranger?

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