Chapter 33

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Lexa's POV

-Earth, present day-

I'm walking out of Tondc and I feel a weight in my chest. It's getting hard to breath and I need to stop walking. Suddently my legs lose their strength and I fall on the ground. Images of my body covered in blood invade my mind and I don't know why. Then I see Clarke... She kneels beside me and I can see a small tear leaving her eye. No! That's all I want to scream, but I can't.

Then it all stops and I look ahead. I didn't fall, I just kept moving. Was this some kind of sign from the Gods? I shook that idea out of my head and keep following James.

To be completely honest, I knew him before this happened but never paid much attention to him. Now, I can see how good of a fighter he his. Even if he stopped fighting when he was with Octavia... But that was for the best! If he hadn't, they could both be dead by now. I'm glad he followed the girl's plan.

"Heda, are you alright?" I hear him ask. We are both on the front of the commotion. He knows the place where this people are camped at and me because... Well... Because of who I am. I look behind me and there are at least 40 people behind us: treecru and skaicru, all together. It's still unbelievable how fast this alliance was built. Never have I experienced something like this before... Not even with the other clans. But there's a reason for that: these people just fell from the sky and landed here. They didn't know anything aboyt this place and soon learned how to survive. Barely... But they survived until now. They make me think of the firts people who survived. In a completely different world, at least that's what people told me they said, and managed to survive. With all this thinking I forgot to answer James and he's looking at me with a questioning look. "Yes. I'm fine. I just want to feel their blood running out of their bodies." I saw how his eyes lit up and a devious smile grew on his face. "Are we close?" I asked.

"Yes Heda. Time to get ready." He whispered. I nodded. I could see the dim light of a fire and a few figures dancing around it. That alone made my heart boil in antecipation. They probably have no idea we are here. I felt a grin grow on my face just like I saw on James' face moments before. I look back and everyone is ready. We all have the same smile on our faces. "Bring the two girls back alive. Octavia and the one with the dark hair and dark eyes." They all nodded. But I wanted to continue. "Once they're safe, bring their leader with us." I was almost done with my instructions and they all knew it. Their grip on their weapons was getting tighter and the blood thirst was evident in all of their eyes. I can't take this wait anymore so I decided to finish my instructions. "Don't die and... Kill them all." As I said that they all screamed and started running towards the camp. I didn't have time to count our enemies but it doesnt matter because they'll die soon. I see a warrior bigger than me coming my way taking down three of my warriors while he walked. I got ready to face him getting sstrongerjust by listening to all of the sword clashing and the so called guns going off. He was the first one to attack almost throwing his sword at me which I dodged easily. He's big and strong but not fast enough. I swang my sword towards his leg and he soon kneeled to the floor, his blood pooling around him. He tried to get up but I guess he isn't as strong as I thought. "That's how I like you, traitors. On your knees..." His eyes widened and I looked around. This was an easy battle. I saw Bellamy holding who I believe is Alyson and James is walking beside Octavia. They are safe. "Tell me who's your leader?" I demanded.

"I guess you'll never know..." He glanced behind me and I didn't have time to look around because I felt a small blade pressed on my neck. Everything went silent besides the screams of these disgusting people. Suddently I heard a gun again and splatter of something hit my cheek. The man fell on the floor right after. I looked around and I saw Bellamy holding a the gun which had a littel bit of smoke getting out of it. He lowered it slowly and he nodded. I repeated the gesture and turned back to the rat in front of me. I was about to ask him again and he looked to the side and his eyes got bigger. I followed his stare and noticed a blonde woman fighting to get free from the hold of one of my men. "We got their leader, Heda." I smiled. Mission completed. I looked at the terrified man. He was about to say something but I cut him off. "Don't you dare to speak. Go meet the Gods with the your tongue so you can explain to them who sent you. Tell them the Commander sends her regards." As I finished the man gasped and I took the chance to put his sword down his throat. He's gasping for air while his blood is coming out of his mouth. I signaled for everyone to follow me carrying the wounded and celebrating our victory.

Clarke, I really need to see her and try something my warriors always tall about: the celebration after a victory. Maybe I'll try it for the first time. May the Gods here my prayers.


I'm so sorry everyone for taking so long to update. I just had a lot to think about lately. I'm also sorry if it is kinda short and the story line doesn't get developed enough.

I hope you like this chapter. If so, vote and comment and share if you feel like it.

Lots of love,


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