Chapter 24

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Legolas inhaled his potatoes.

"You what?" he choked out.

Emma sniggered. "I started a food fight."

Legolas' face fell. "I always miss the fun stuff!" he whined.

Emma reigned in her laughing. "You can say that again..." she said gleefully.

"It sounds as if you are quite the troublemaker, Lassie," Gimli piped up from the other side of Legolas.

"What was Elrond's reaction to this... food fight? Did he not put a stop to it?" Thranduil asked, swishing the wine around in his goblet.

Emma snorted. "His reaction was to hide under the table," she said smugly.

Thranduil tried very hard not to laugh. However, a small chuckle managed to escape. The image of Elrond hiding under the table was just too much for him. Emma stared at him for a second, eventually deciding not to pick on him about it...


"What other chaos did you cause in Imladris?" Legolas asked, having sufficiently controlled his snickers.

"Oh.. nothing much, sang to Zippy... put honey in Carl's hair. They did do what you failed to." Here Emma glared at Thranduil.

Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be?"

"I can speak elvish," Emma said, sticking her nose in the air.

Thranduil smirked. "Quena mani? Lle lakwenian? " Emma stared at him blankly.

"Thought so..." The smirk didn't once leave his face. "Well, I have matters that I must attend to. Legolas, I expect to see you in the throne room for the report."

"Tanya nae sai n'eina."

Thranduil's eyebrow shot up and he slowly turned to face Emma. "Lle rangwa amin?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Lle quena i'lambe tel' Eldalie?"

Legolas snorted and Thranduil returned Emma's eye roll with one of his own, refusing to admit her victory as he walked away.



Legolas turned around to see Emma running straight at him. She did not appear to be slowing down, so he jumped to the side, and then, knowing Emma, he lunged after her and grabbed her arms before she ran into the wall.

"Leggy! C'mere!" Emma, not missing a beat, started dragging him towards the garden.

"Whoa! Emma, where are you taking me? And will you stop calling me Leggy?"

"The garden, dummy! And no!"


"Nevermind." Emma shoved him onto the ground. "Sit here." In from of him, was a patch of wilting flowers.


"Watch!" she said giddily. She placed her hands over over the flowers and closed her eyes. "Ama poldora" A soft green light glowed and the flowers slowly gained their life. The once sad, dying flowers, became once more whole. Their beautiful blue petals had even gained a soft glow.

"Apparently there is also a spell to keep them like this, but Nylan says I am not ready yet," Emma said, smiling happily at the flowers. Legolas mirrored her smile, glad to see her so happy.

"What are you two up to now?" a suspicious voice called from behind Emma.

Emma turned around and Legolas looked up, both watching Thranduil as he approached and eyed the flowers. "Did you do this?" he asked Emma, still observing them.

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