Chapter 26

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Emma lurked by the long wooden table that held the assorted foods and drinks. She gulped down water by the glassful, trying desperately to get her heart rate to go down. She had never realized that dancing could be so taxing. Finally, feeling as though it was safe enough to leave the vicinity of the water pitchers, Emma wandered along the edge of the room. She saw Legolas out on the dance floor, twirling with a tall ellith, whose hip length hair was a beautiful shade of red. She wondered if maybe this was Leggy's girlfriend... she wasn't even sure if he had one!

Emma noticed that the song had ended and made a split-second decision to go accost Leggy and his special friend.

Slowly sauntering up behind them, Emma stuck her face over Legolas' shoulder and said in a sweet voice, "So- Leggy- Who is... this?"

Legolas heaved a sigh that couldn't be mistaken for anything but one of long-suffering, and said in an exasperated voice- "This is Tauriel. And no, Emma, I am not courting her. Please leave her alone."

Emma grinned at Tauriel. "I've heard of you! You are the Captain of the Guard or something badass like that!"

Tauriel was the very picture of confusion. "Badass? What is that? Who are..." Tauriel's eyes widened. "Wait.. I know you. You are the elleth I rescued in Dol Guldur!"

Emma froze.

Legolas felt awkward.

Thranduil lurked rather creepily in the background, pretending not to eavesdrop as he nursed a goblet of wine, unnoticed by the others.

After a moment of silence, Tauriel said, "Forgive me... I did not mean to offend you."

Emma twitched and then her eyes widened, "Oh no no no! Sorry about that! Really sorry... I'm not offended. I just.. don't remember you?"

Tauriel relaxed a fraction. "You wouldn't, an ellon who seemed to know you took over not long after.

"Oh, that would've been Carl," Emma said, sounding a bit more cheerful.

Tauriel raised an eyebrow. "Carl?"


Emma jumped and shrieked at the sudden appearance of her friend. Tauriel eyed Carl up and down. Carl grinned at Emma and bowed slightly towards Legolas and Tauriel.

"Talking about me behind my back, eh?"

Emma faked a sheepish look. "Sorry Carl... there is just so much about you..."

Carl sniffed. "I know. I am rather popular, aren't I?"

"Your name isn't Carl!"

Everyone looked over at Tauriel. Emma looked scandalized.

"What?" Tauriel said defensively, "It's not!"

Emma leaned in and whispered, "Well.. his other name is a lie."

Tauriel felt even more confused than before. Suddenly Carl yelled, "Hey Zippy! Over here!" The small group turned around just in time to see Zippy cast a panicked look in there direction before practically running away. Carl didn't waste a second in giving chase and Emma was about to follow when Nylan appeared.

"My lady, may I have a word?"

Emma's face took on an expression of confusion before she slowly nodded her head, eying Nylan warily as she followed him away from the crowd.

Tauriel and Legolas watched them leave. "He wishes to court her," Legolas murmured quietly. Tauriel nodded her head. They stood in silence for a bit before a realization seemed to hit her.

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