Chapter 27

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"I think that you have learned all you can from me and-"


"That it has been nice knowing you-"


"I have things I need to get to though, so it you wouldn't mind le-"

"NYLAN!" Emma yelled.

Nylan froze.

"What did that stuck up sequin elf say to you?"

Nylan dropped his gaze. "Nothing to concern yourself with, Lady Emma."

Emma stared at him.

"Now, if you don't mind, I have things to do." Nylan turned on his heel and walked away.

Emma was frozen on the spot, her mouth hanging open. She had the sudden urge to cry. Storming to her room, she put a heavy cloak on and grabbed a warm pair of gloves. Stomping towards the front gates, Emma threw all caution to the wind as she stormed into the forest. The snow was falling heavily and the ground was covered in a rather thick blanket of it.

Stupid, meddling, Elvenking.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Emma whirled around and her vision zeroed in on the speaker.

"You," she hissed.

Thranduil raised an eyebrow.

"You might want to go away," Emma said murderously, turning around again.

"Why would you say that?" Thranduil took a step closer.

Emma whirled around and pitched the snowball she had clenched in her hand right into his smug face.

"Because I'm mad at you!"

Thranduil calmly wiped the remains of the snow from his face.

"You have no-" Here she pitched another snowball, which Thranduil easily dodged.

"Right." Another easily dodged snowball. Emma failed to notice that with each snowball she threw, the seemingly calm elf drew closer.

"To decide-" Another snowball. This one managed to hit Thranduil in the arm.

"Who I can and can't-" Another snowball. Thranduil was nearly in reach of Emma.


Right before Emma threw the snowball, Thranduil grabbed her arm.

"That's quite enough," he said slowly. His cheeks were red from the face full of snow and his eyes were bright with a mixture of amusement and anger. Emma glared up at his crown and smirked as one of the pointed ends started tapping Thrandy on the head.

Thranduil narrowed his eyes and the poking stopped. Pouting, Emma tried to pull her hand away, but Thranduil wouldn't let go.

"Let me go, stupid elf," Emma growled.

"Resorting to childish insults, are we now? I'm not letting you go unless you promise to stop hurling those infernal snowballs at me," Thranduil said with a smirk.

Emma suddenly grinned, rather wickedly. She took her other hand out from behind her back and dug the snowball that it concealed into Thranduil's neck. The look of pure shock and the horrified gasp that he emitted was enough to send Emma into a fit of hysterical laughter. Her other hand was now free, since the Sassyking was desperately attempting to claw the snow away from his neck.

Emma decided to be cruel. She was the wasn't usually the type to kick a man when he was down, but that is exactly what she did. While Thranduil wasn't paying attention, she made to more snowballs and threw them at his hair, wanting to get him as bedraggled looking as possible.

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