Chapter 25

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A/N: Hello minions >:] I write to you all from a nasty hotel, the eve before my first IEA show (Interscholastic Equestrian Association) D: Anywho, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Wish me luck guys XD 

Overlord Rousdower out_

It was all black.

Therefore, it must be dark.


Yes. If black then dark.

Uuuugh... Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one;

A shriek comes from nowhere. There it is.

Ghoulish laughter, surrounding her.









Laughter everywhere.

Wait what?

Blackness. Laugher. Blackness. Cackling. Creatures. Horrible creatures. Unseen. Blackness. Laughter. Red eyes.

Wait what? Those weren't there a second ago...

Anyways... red eyes. Gleaming eyes. Gleaming teeth.

That meant one thing.

One word.


Not again.


A short scream came out of Emma as she shot out of bed. Literally. Out of bed and onto the floor. She curled into herself and sobbed rather loudly. Probably too loudly, but she didn't really consider it. She was sobbing loudly enough that she didn't hear the door open and close.

She started violently when she felt arms wrap around her.

"Shhh... it's alright. It's just me," Miri whispered soothingly. Emma sat up and wrapped her arms around Miri's neck, sobbing into her shoulder.

"They were laughing... Laughing at me.." Emma choked out. "And it's eyes. It's eyes..."

"You're safe now. It's alright," Miri said quietly, stroking Emma's hair back gently. They had gone through this routine before. Ever since Emma had been saved.

They sat there on the floor, Emma quietly crying and Miri silently worrying. They sat there until the sun finished it's slow journey over the horizon, bathing Greenwood the Great in a shining golden light.


Emma's lessons had been going wonderfully.

She could manipulate almost any plant out there.

Which brought her to this moment. Right here. Right now.

She peered out from around the bush at the unsuspecting Legolas. A deranged chuckle escaped her lips. She saw him approach the tree and a maniacal gleam lit her eyes. Five... four... three... two.. one... The tree root shot out and wrapped around Legolas, effectively pinning him to the ground


Emma burst into hysterical laughter, tumbling out of the bush and falling on her side.

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