Chapter 20 - Rainy Nights

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I stepped off the platform of the jet and just to my surprise – it’s raining.

“Of course! Our first day here and its rainnninnngggg! UGH!” I complained as I grabbed my leopard print suitcase and an umbrella from the flight attendant.

“Thank you” I quickly said and turned around to wait for Harry.

“Well babe, since it’s raining, where to?” Harry asked as he walked towards me.

“First off, I’m not your babe. Good try though, babe.” I teased. “Secondly, I’m pissed! I was so excited to just take a walk through Rome!”

“Babe, we’ve got two weeks for that. How about we just hang around the hotel for the night and start tomorrow?” he wrapped his arm around my waist as we continued to walk towards the black car that was set up for us for when we arrived.

I was pretty positive this whole “I’m not your babe, babe” game would be going on all week, so I was prepared.

“Only one bed? You’re kidding me.” I winked towards Harry as we arrived at our hotel room.

“Oh please, Dylan.” Harry rolled his eyes.

“Only kidding, Styles.” I laughed

“You know, it is okay to call me babe…I mean Harry.” He chuckled to himself

I gave him a glare. “Sorry it slipped” he laughed. It did not just “slip.” Idiot.

“So babe, I was thinking…maybe we should get Stella a friend.”

Stella. I’m not gonna lie, it scared me to leave him alone with Louis. I laughed to myself.

“Why are you laughing?” Harry looked confused.

“Ha ha, doesn’t it give you at least some thought of worry leaving Stell with Louis? I mean come on, he’s Louis…” Harry nodded his head and laughed with me.

“But to take you up on that offer, another cuddle buddy would be great. Seeing that I only have Stell, I kind of want another one.” I winked.

“Well he’s standing right in front of you love.” Harry walked closer to me so our faces were only inches apart from one another.

“Don’t push it bud” I turned around and walked to wear my suitcase was placed on my bed.

Harry was probably #1 on my greatest cuddlers list, though. I felt safe in his arms. I felt loved, and his warmth brought me so much joy.

“Bud?! Come on, Dyl! How much longer are you gonna keep this up?!” a look of frustration came upon his face.

I turned to him and smirked. Walking up to him, I placed my hands on his chest and whispered in his ear, “as long as I please… bud.” With that, I grabbed some clothes out of my suitcase and headed towards the bathroom.

After that long plane ride, I felt like I needed to shower.

To make sure Harry couldn’t sneak attack up on me in the shower, I locked the door because I was not ready for him to just barge in and be like ‘oh hey, yeah, we’re gonna date now.’ Because I was in control of this from here on out, not him.


Harry’s POV

“As long as I please… bud.” I cringed at that word. Man, was she being a tease these past few days.

She turned and headed to the shower and I was so tempted to walk in there with her until I heard the click of the door locking.

“Dammit.” I whispered to myself.

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