Chapter 21 - Distance

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Danielle: hey so BB1 Radio called and asked if the gf’s of 1D wanted to do an interview? You in. No rush on the reply. Hope you are having fun in Italy! Tell Harry I say hi! Xx

Me: uhhh, I guess I’ll do it, but I’m not a gf of 1D haha. It’s a blast! So beautiful! He says hello! See you soon! X

I shoved my iPhone back into my pocket as we entered a small boutique in Rome.

It had been six days since we arrived here, and ever since that rain, the weather has just been darling.

Harry was casually walking ahead of me, not holding hands or anything, his head roaming around the distance in front of us.

Ever since I said the whole ‘movies and friends like watching movies together,’ he’s been weird…more awkward then weird.

“Well you could at least walk with me…” I said to him as I walked past him into the boutique.

“Errmmm, yeah…sorry…” his eyes travelled elsewhere.

He still had yet to take me on his date that he states would make me be his again.

He hasn’t tried making a move, even calling me babe, since the first night.

It kind of sucked actually…it really sucked. I liked when he was all flirty and cute and now he’s just…awkward and cute.

I brushed it off so I could focus on shopping. I needed to get my mind off things and shopping was my way to do it.

I spotted a cute vintage looking blouse in the corner of the store and I knew my world would soon be drowned in the world of fashion.

Yay. I thought to myself.

I looked to my left to find a collared dress that I just adored.

A few rows down I found some plum high-waists.

Heaven. I found the gates to heaven. I could live here forever. I kept thinking about all of these clothes and how I was going to die, but left my thoughts to be disturbed by a deep British accent.

“That’s pretty” he grabbed the hem of the dress and ran his fingers along the fabric.

I looked up at him and smiled. He showed a crooked half smile and shot his eyes elsewhere right away.

He started walking away but I grabbed his arms to stop him. He wouldn’t turn around and face me.

“Turn around” I somewhat demanded but I didn’t mean it harshly.

He turned around and looked me in the eyes.

“What the heck has been up with you the past few days?!” I practically yelled, but remembering we were in public, I kept somewhat quiet.

“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” He shrugged his shoulders.

The look on his face though said something different. He knew EXACTLY what I was talking about.

I laughed slightly. “Oh hi, I’m Harry Styles and I’m going to be super awkward around my ex-girlfriend because I was trying to get in her pants but she told me friends watch movies together, so let’s make things awkward and be weird around her” I said to him acting as if I was him.

His face turned red. “Shut up, Dylan.” He rolled his eyes

“It’s okay, babe. Buuuuuuuuuuttttttttt-” I started

“Dylan, I’m not your babe,” he winked and continued, “but what?”

“What about that date….” I said slowly.

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