Chapter 6 - We're Like Na Na Na

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Chapter 6

My eyes started to water up

Was he going to say he didn’t? Or what was he going to say?



I read the text from Eleanor saying ‘Dylan is walking on stage soon to surprise Harry, so be aware’

I smiled

I showed Niall, Zayn, and Liam the text and they all smiled

“Well we’re in for a show” Liam winked

It was time to answer fans questions so the boys did

“Louis, why do you always wear stripes?” a fan asked

“Because I like them, it’s okay to be different” I winked

More questions were asked, then one was asked, and it stood out from the rest of them

 “Harry, you and Dylan are so adorable! It must be hard being away from her. Don’t you miss her? I mean, you love her and everything”

Oh no.

He looked at the other boys, and they all looked worried

‘Dylan is coming out on stage, don’t fuck this up, Harry’ I thought to himself

I knew the answer, but he didn’t know what to do.

“I do miss her, so much. More than she would ever imagine. It is hard being away from her. And to tell you the truth, I’ve never actually told her I love her yet…” Harry said quietly

He looked at him; his face was getting so red

Why did she have to ask him that at this time?

I texted Eleanor as fast as he could

‘This fan fucked it up, she’s going to walk out here any second, what should I do’ I texted her


Eleanor’s P.O.V

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I said as she read Louis’ text

“I cannot believe that girl just asked that” Danielle said

“I know! She’s going to ruin everything!” I said

“Wait! What? What do you mean ‘ruin everything’?” Emma asked curiously

“It’s nothing.” I said

I replied to Louis saying ‘I know. Just say you have to go backstage to get something and find Dylan and tell her to stop’

Louis replied back right away ‘Well, I’m pretty sure she heard the question, she hasn’t come out yet. Go find her’

I replied ‘Just wait, let’s see where Harry takes this, and let’s see what Dylan does’

I was still in shock.


Zayn’s P.O.V

“You’re kidding me. God damnit” I whispered

Niall must have heard me, because he nodded towards me

“Well, do you love her? Sorry for asking such a personal question, you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.” The girl added

‘Oh my gosh,’ I thought

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