Chapter 16 - Friend Zone (Part Two)

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This kiss was one I always wanted. A romantic kiss in the rain.

This time, I didn't regret it. I wanted to kiss him, as to why I did. The feeling I got when I kissed him, it was amazing.

Then I snapped back to reality. I thought about Harry. How I still wasn't over him, how I was just friends with him, I still felt as if she was doing something wrong.

"Luke, I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have" I whispered and looked down at the ground. The rain felt like a millions knives stabbing her in the back.

"Dyl, its my fault. I probably should have stopped you there, but it didn't seem like you wanted to stop. So don't blame yourself. Blame me. I'm sorry" he said.

"Can you take me home please?" I said walking towards the car, still looking at the ground. "Home as in? You do remember you're living with me..." he laughed a little the realized the situation and stopped immediately. "Please, just take me to Harry's" I snapped.

The whole ride there they didn't talk at all.

"Thanks" I said quickly as I got out of the car. I rushed to the door. I got up to Harry's as fast as I could and pulled out the keys.

I shut the door behind me and stood there for a moment.

I looked down at my blouse and skirt which was wrecked from the rain, my heels in my hands all muddy from walking in them. My hair dripped wet, my make up all over the place.

I walked into his room and set my heels down.

I then walked into the bathroom and looked myse,f in the mirror.

I looked like a wreck, partially from the rain, partially from crying because of what just happened. 

Luke's mom, how rude she was, how I kissed Luke then regretted it yet once again after I kissed him.

I took a shower to clear her mind.

I walked into the bedroom and realized I had brought all of her clothes over to Luke's. In the morning I'd have to go get them after class..which I had with Luke.

"Shit" I said to myself after Ichecked once more to see if there were any clothes of mine anywhere that I could wear.

I walked over to the drawers where Harry's clothes were located and grabbed his Jack Wills sweatshirt, the one he gave me when he left for tour. I gave it back to him when we broke up. I grabbed a pair of his shorts that would fit me somewhat and put them on too.

'Hey how was dinner? Hope you had fun. X' I got a text from Eleanor.

'Oh you know... Just great. No. It was terrible. Talk to you tomorrow. Really tired. Staying at Harry's tonight. X' I replied

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple out of his fridge.

'Harry's? Why? If you needed a place to stay you could have just came here.' I read the text as I bit into the apple.

'We'll talk tomorrow. Gonna get some sleep. Night' 


Harry's P.O.V

'Hey, I hope you don't mind but I'm staying at your flat tonight' I read the text from Dylan and smiled.

'Its fine. Feel welcome to stay there whenever you want. What happened to Luke? Missing you..x' I replied... It was worth a shot.

"What are you so smiley about?" Niall asked as he walked into the room where I was. "I think Dyl and Luke got in a fight, and she's staying at my flat tonight" I smirked.

"Oh boy. Night. Great job tonight, by the way" Niall patted me on the back.

'Thank you. I'll call you tomorrow and tell you what happened. But I'm also borrowing your clothes to sleep in if you don't mind? Its only for tonight. I'm getting my stuff tomorrow, but I'll be here until I find a place, I promise I'll be out as soon as I find one. Missing you too...' she replied.

I smiled again. 'Dylan, like I said its fine. Stay as long as you want.. And my clothes?! Naw I'm kidding. I'm glad you're wearing them ;) one more month. Get some sleep lovely, you have class tomorrow. Night .x' I got into the hotel bed and pulled the blanket up.

'You too. You've got a concert tomorrow night. Don't want you to be tired during it. I've heard from a bird you've been down at them lately. Cheer up. Night'

I didn't reply and locked my phone.

I smiled to myself and fell sound asleep. 


Dylan's P.O.V

'I'm coming to get my stuff now. We can just go to class together after. I'll drive.' I sent the text to Luke.

It was going to be so awkward to see him.

"Thanks for letting me stay here for that few weeks. It really meant a lot to me" she said as she put the last box of stuff in her car. "You're welcome. Like I said, I'll do anything for you. Now lets get going" he said as he got in the passengers side of the car. 


"For your next project, you'll have to tour a country for two weeks, and explain what it means to you through pictures. Paint a picture, with pictures. As said, you'll have two weeks in one country, your choice, but two people cannot be in the same country. We'll pick in just a little bit. Expenses, such as transportation and hotel, will be covered by us, the rest you will have to pay yourselves. You leave a month from tomorrow, I'll hand out the papers and everything right now" the professor finally finished what she was saying. 

Seemed like she'd never stop.

I had an idea. If someone from my class couldn't come with, that didn't mean someone that wasn't in my class couldn't come.

Harry would be back from tour by then, so I would ask him.

Anyway, I didn't want to be in another country alone.

"We will go in alphabetical order to pick countries, have a few in mind just in case one of yours gets pick" the professor added

Before it was my turn, there was about 20 kids, but my country was not chosen.

"Dylan Kennedy" the professor said

"Italy" I smiled.

A few more names were called and then Luke's name was called.

"Brazil" he said and showed half a smile.

'Weird' I thought to myself.

"Alright class, we'll talk more next week about the trip. See you guys then," the professor finished with.

I was really excited to go to Italy, as it would be my first time there. I hoped Harry would say yes to coming...who was I kidding. I knew he would. He'd do anything to go on a trip to Italy with me for 2 weeks. 


"Yeah, I'm going to look for a place next week so until then I'll be staying here" I said to Harry over the phone as I put clothes in the washer.

"That's fine. Stay as long as you want" he laughed. "Thank you. It means a lot. But hey I have a question, and I know it's big so you can say no if you want" I clicked start on the washer then turned around and leaned against it. "Yeah?" he sounded interested.

"So for my photography class, we have to go to a country for two weeks, and take pictures, and explain what the country means to us through the pictures. We don't have to be taking pictures the whole time, we can do other stuff, but I really don't want to go alone, and I was wondering if you'd like to come with? We leave after you get back from tour..." her voice trailed off more as I finished.

He didn't say anything at first. "Of course! Why wouldn't I want to go?!"

END OF CHAPTER 16 PART TWO. Sorry for a late update. Hope you guys enjoy. What do you think will happen?!

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