Chapter 23 - The Interview

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Harry’s POV

“Hi everyone! This is Liz from BB1 Radio Station! We are here today with the girlfriends of One Direction, Danielle, Eleanor, Perrie, Dylan, and Kaitlyn!” I turned up the radio louder as I heard Dylan’s name.

I knew they were doing this interview, but I didn’t know when it was going to air but I guess today was the day.

I was driving home for the day to visit mum and Gemma.

Dylan stayed back to hang out with Perrie before she left on tour for two weeks.

“Hello” the girls said in unison.

“Hello ladies! Are you ready to answer some questions both I and the fans have for you?” I heard them say their yesses and then I heard fans cheering in the background.

“Perrie, what’s it like dating Zayn? Seeing that you both have the same profession, is it difficult while you’re both away touring?” the interview lady asked.

“It’s weird actually. I love that we both have the same profession though. We get each other more…opposing to Dylan and Harry. Dylan goes to college living her dream, while Harry’s out touring and living his dream. Their dreams are two different things, but with me and Zayn, we both have the same one. Being on tour away from each other I feel only brings us closer because we both have the same things to relate to.”

Good answer, I thought to myself.

“Kaitlyn, you’re dating Josh Devine, the drummer for One Direction, can I ask- what is that like?”

“It’s so weird actually. I mean, we actually met at a bar,” Kaitlyn laughed a little, “but he’s probably one of the sweetest lads I’ve ever met.”

“Danielle, you and Liam had broken up, but just recently got back together. How’s it going for you both?”

“It’s going good. The break up was mutual because we never really got time to see each other, so we decided it was for the best, but in the end we ended up back together, and I couldn’t be more happier.”

“That’s lovely!” the interviewer said, “Dylan, none of us really know what’s quite going on between you and Harry? Are you a couple? Just friends? Tell us.”

I was actually kind of nervous to hear Dylan’s answer. I don’t know what she would tell them.

“Uh,” she started “well, to be honest, I don’t even know where Harry and I stand. I mean, we broke up a month ago, deciding to just be friends. But we live together and everything, we practically act like a couple…so I guess you could say we’re dating?”

“Dating as in?” Liz, the interviewer asked.

“Dating as in, he’s my boyfriend, I’m his girlfriend” she laughed a little.

So all this time she’s been telling me ‘friends this, friends that’ we’re “dating”? Huh. I said to myself.

I laughed a little then smiled at her answer.

The interviewer asked a few more questions then the fans started to chime in, asking the girls all sorts of questions.

“Eleanor, do you think you and Louis will get married?” a fan asked

I laughed. Like that’s ever going to happen.

“You know, I have no clue”

“Dylan, can you sing for us? I love your voice!” another fan asked.

“Ummm, sure why not!”

What. Dylan was going to sing in front of people? What. I couldn’t believe it.

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