Chapter 11- Remember The Styles Family, Dylan. Always Remember

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“I like this one! What do you think, Em?” I exclaimed as we walked around the flat one last time

The flat was really nice. It had three bedrooms, two baths, and an amazing view.

“I do! I like it! Come on! Just sign the lease so we can go!” Harry complained

“Oh shut it, Styles, or I’ll never let you visit” Emma snapped back

Niall laughed.

“Sorry” he mumbled and looked kind of scared

“But, yeah. I really like it, but what are we going to do with the extra bedroom?” Emma continued

“That’s where the boys can sleep when they visit” I  winked at Harry and Niall

Emma laughed.

“Hey! That’s not very nice!” Niall yelled

“No, I don’t know. We’ll figure it out. Want to sign?” I asked excitedly

“Sold. Let’s do it” Emma said

We signed the lease from the relator, and the flat was all ours. Finally. A home in London.

“When can we move in?” Emma asked the relator

“If you really wanted, you could right now. Have fun girls” the relator said as she walked out the door

“I have an idea” I said

“Oh no, what now?” Harry and Niall both said in unison

“You know, moving all of our furniture from Dallas would just be a haul. Why don’t we just buy new furniture this week, go back to Dallas and pack anything that we need in a few boxes, like clothes and anything else we want, send it to London, and then we’re ready. I mean, it’d be a hell of a lot easier” I said

“Do we have to come with?” Niall and Harry both complained

“Great idea! And no, please don’t come. I don’t want your whining selves with us. Dan and El can come! Oh we could as Kaitlyn too?” Emma said

“That’d be perfect. We could get to know her a lot better too. Friday?” I said

“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll text them right now”


“Are you almost ready, Dylan? I told my mum we’d be over by 7, and its 645” Harry said as he watched me get ready

I was finally going to meet Harry’s family, and I was so excited.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go” I smiled at him

We arrived at his parents’ house and it was so cute.

It was small, and just adorable. I always wanted a house like this.

“What are you waiting for? You scared. Come on, loser. Let’s go” I laughed as I finally got out of the car

Harry walked my up to the door, then opened it for me.

I stepped in, and it was just as adorable as the outside.

I heard girls screaming outside. ‘Must be fans’ I thought.

“Hi mum, Robin, Gemma” Harry said as he gave them all a hug

 “Everyone, this is Dylan” he said introducing me

“Hi, Dylan. It’s so nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you” Anne said as she greeted me with a warm hug

“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you too! I’ve been asking Harry when I could finally meet you for like forever, but he was always just like ‘I don’t know’” I smiled

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