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I walked down the street hand in hand with my boyfriend.

I smiled up at Luke when he looked down at me, smiling himself.

We walked towards the café Harry and I had first met.

I thought about this café, and how many memories it brought back.

In the past year, so much had happened; I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around it.

The boys kicked off their third tour, leaving for the year.

Harry and I tried to keep a long distance relationship for about three months, and in the end, it failed miserably.

We broke up around nine months ago. He became distant towards the end of the relationship, and then finally ended it all. Never called or texted since.

Leaving me with a broken heart and one tub of ice cream a night for at least a week straight.

Danielle and Liam, who had seemed like the perfect couple, ended up breaking up due to them never seeing each other.

Lou and El were still going strong, as were Perrie and Zayn.

Perrie and I hung out pretty much every day after the boys left, and then she left for tour for five months.

She left three months ago, and would be back in about two.

I never really talked to the boys anymore, but I stayed friends with El, Danielle, and Perrie, so here and there I would talk to them.

I moved out of the flat Harry and I shared, taking Boots and Stella with.

I got a flat close by and continued to attend college.

The boys came back about a month ago from tour, and I hadn’t seen Harry at all. I didn’t know if I was ready to see him yet, even though it had been so long ago that we broke up.

My heart was still mending.

I’d see Louis here and there when he was with Eleanor.

I tried to convince Logan to stay here in London, and it worked for about three months, until he finally realized he couldn’t live without football (American),

He then took a flight back home to Texas and began playing for a University there.

I hadn’t seen him since, let alone talked to him much. I missed my best friend.

Luke and I started dating about five months ago, four months after Harry and I broke up.

I was happy with him.

“You okay?” my thoughts were disrupted by Luke’s warming voice.

“Perfectly fine” I smiled as we walked into the café.

We ordered our things and waited for the waitress to bring out our food and coffee.

I looked up and smiled at Luke.

I hadn’t been this happy in what seemed like forever.

Summer break had just started and the weather finally started to clear up.

I had Luke, summer, and good weather.

How could it get better than this?

My thoughts were again disrupted by a different person from Luke – our waitress.

“Thank you.” I said as she placed our food in front of us.

My usual: a strawberry pecan salad and coffee

Luke’s usual: a turkey sub.

She smiled warmly at us, nodded and walked away.

“So how was your weekend? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” Luke said.

And forever it had been.

It was a Tuesday, and he had just come back last night.

He flew back to Texas to visit his parents on Thursday morning.

“Pretty boring. With you and Perrie gone, Danielle touring with her dance thing, and Eleanor out of town, I had nothing to do. Absolutely nothing” I laughed as I took a sip of my coffee.

“Well maybe you should have come with me!” he laughed.

He tried to convince me for weeks to go, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to go back to the place that I hated, so I stayed here.

“Sorry. How was it anyways?” I asked.

We spent an hour just talking and laughing about things Luke had done on his trip home.

“I’ll be right back, I’ve gotta use the restroom. Meet you outside?” Luke said right before we were about to leave.

I nodded and walked up to the counter where the barista was standing and ordered a tea to go.

I ordered and waited towards the side as she began making it.

She handed me the tea and I headed towards the door to wait outside for Luke.

Not realizing where I was going, I had run into someone.

I looked down to my blouse to see my tea had spilt all over it.

“Ugh! Watch where you’re going!” I rolled my eyes

I looked up to see a boy with a plaid shirt, rolled up jeans, and a hat on.



Ahhhhh! That’s the end of Please Don’t Leave Me Heartbroken! I hope you all enjoyed! I loved writing it so much! You guys are amazing for reading it! But, I assume you all are waiting for the big announcement huh? Soooo….there’s going to be a sequel! A SEQUEL! It will be coming out within the next month, probably around July 13th, or 14th! So, it's not that long of a wait! So keep an eye out! Other than that, thank you all for being such lovely people and reading my fanfic! I couldn’t thank you guys enough! Comment and vote, fan me! Thoughts on Luke and Dylan dating? What do you think will happen in the sequel with Dylan and Harry? I’ve already started the sequel, I'm about 8 chapters into it...and I'm sure you all are wondering what it's called.... Well, it's called 'You Again'! So remember July 13th or 14th it will be coming out! I hope you all enjoyed this story, and enjoy the next! Thank you all so much

The link to You Again is at the side! Or it's right here! http://www.wattpad.com/story/6551905-you-again

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