Chapter 16 - Friend Zone. (Part 1)

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"We're just friends, Kait. Just friends" I said to Kaitlyn a few days later after Harry had left.

"Alright, are you sure it's gonna work out though? Josh says he's still not taking it too well" Kaitlyn said as her eyes shifted around the room.

"I'm positive. We're friends. That's it. I can't really deal with it being any more right now. We talk everyday like we used to, but I can see why he isn't taking it too well. It hurts me too, but he should just move on" I sighed.

'Hey there' she got a text from Harry.

I smiled at her phone. We texted everyday, and sometimes called each other. Ever since we made our break up official, that is.

'Hey, how's it going?'

"I don't know if you two being friends is a good idea though. I mean, nevermind. I don't know what I'm saying" Kaitlyn shook her head

"Whatever" I ignored what Kaitlyn just said and flipped on the TV.

"One Direction's Harry Styles and girlfriend, Dylan Kennedy have split, but a mutual break up, a friend says" the lady on the celebrity news said.

"You're kidding me" I rolled my eyes and kept watching.

"An insider tells us the two remain friends, but is that because Dylan may have a new beau?" and then they showed a picture of me and Luke from a few days ago when they were walking to class.

Kaitlyn just laughed. "Seriously?! Why do they stalk me?!" I exclaimed.

'Oh you know, just great....' Harry replied

'We just made the news. These people are crazy' I replied to him

"I don't know. But I wonder who the insider is that is telling them this... Ooooh. Its a mystery" Kaitlyn laughed

"Shut up" I threw a pillow at her 


"Luke, what if they don't like me?" I said as I ran a little trying to catch up to him. Running in heels was not too easy.

We were going to meet his parents at a little restaurant on the outskirts of town.

Luke and I  had been hanging out a lot lately and I was excited to meet his parents.

They flew in for a few days to visit Luke and to see the campus.

"Dylan, who couldn't like you? They'll love you. I promise" he smiled and hugged her from the side.

"I hope so" I mumbled to myself.

We made it to the restaurant and were somewhat greeted by Luke's parents.

"Lucas, we've been here for 15 minutes. You should have been on time" his mother scolded him.

"Sorry, mom. We had to stop and get gas" he kissed her on the cheek.

"So you must be the heartthrobs girlfriend" his mom said eyeing me down.

"The heartthrobs ex, thank you. And you must be?" I said indifferently.

"Dylan this is my mother Hazelle, and my father Andy" Luke showed a half smile.

Something about Luke's parents I didn't like. His mom was too formal, quite rude. His dad didn't say much.

"Hello Dylan, its a pleasure to meet you" Andy stuck out his hand and I shook it.

"Lets go inside. Its freezing out here. You should have told us about the weather in London, Lucas" Hazelle said formally as she walked into the restaurant.

They way she called him Lucas, the way she talked. I could tell they didn't get along. I could tell that she was probably one of the reasons Luke moved.

"Sorry" Luke looked so innocent.

His mother was very pretty. She had Luke's dark brown hair, but she had bright blue eyes like me. His father on the other hand, had Luke's chocolate brown eyes. Luke resembles him quite a bit.

"So Dylan, that's an interesting name. Its a males name, correct?" Hazelle said meaning it in a harsh way as she took a sip of her wine.

"I'm an only child, my parents always wanted a kid named Dylan, boy or girl, and this is what they got" I  showed a sly smile and ran my hands along her skirt to smoothen it out.

"Hm. Interesting.." Hazelle pursed her lips.

"How are things going back home?" Luke asked trying to get his mom to change moods.

"Lovely. Aren't they Andy?" Hazelle answered shifting her eyes towards Andy.

"Yes, they're going just fine"Andy said.

"So more about you, Dylan. Your parents just let you move out here because your boyfriend was out here? I would never let my Lucas do that for a girl. I mean, didn't you know he would cheat on you? He's one of the most famous boys in the world, you couldn't have possibly thought-" Luke cut her off. "Mother, that's enough"

"I don't care if you don't like me, but to be disrespectful to me like you're being right now is just rude. Yes I may not be the ideal girl for your son. I obviously didn't know a lot about Luke before I came here. I thought he was different. Actually, I know he's different. You people are just so stuck-up, I feel bad for Luke," I looked over at him and he looked shocked "he acts so differently when you're not around...he's a whole new person. He actually enjoys life, unlike you. He doesn't bring other people down. It is really sickening to be sitting across from you and having you tell me that I'm not good enough. Even if you didn't say it directly, you're implying it. So thank you for your gesture of coming out to meet me. It really didn't mean much. I'm done here. Good bye" I felt so good saying that. I  got up and walked out of the restaurant not turning back.

It was a long walk back to the car, and I wasn't even the one driving. It started raining once I got outside and I moaned. "Just my luck" I yelled to herself.

I took off my heels and walked barefoot down the gravel road.

"Dylan wait!" Luke yelled as he ran towards me. It was raining really hard, you couldn't see anything really.

"Oh yeah, Luke. They really liked me alright" I yelled at him as I started walking away from him faster.

He grabbed my arm and turned me around so I was facing him.

I looked down at my bare feet.

"Dylan, I'm sorry she was like that. I thought she would've acted different since she was meeting you. You see why I moved here? To get away from them. She's always like that, I hate it. She's so conceited. I've never had a girl meet them before, let alone had a girlfriend...that doesn't mean I'm calling you my girlfriend either. What you said to her back there.... That was amazing. I've wanted to say that to her my whole life, I just never got the guts to do it. I'm sorry she said that stuff to you Dylan, I really am." he lifted my chin up so I would look at him straight in the eyes.

"Friend zone. Friend zone. Friend zone." I said to myself as I looked into those beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

His eyelashes were full and his eyes were beaming down at me.

"But I do have the keys, so that means I have to drive you home..." he said quietly

"Friend zone, Dylan. Friend zone." I said to myself again.

"Oh and by the way, you're cute when you're mad" Luke whispered in my ear.

I tried to hold myse,f back as much as I could. "Friend zone. Friend zone" I said to myself again but I just couldn't resist.

I leaned in and kissed him.

END OF PART 1. Part 2 updated in about an hour! Enjoy!

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