Chapter 4 - Dream Come True

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Still in London

It had been about a week since I’d seen Harry.

We’d been texting non-stop, but he was always busy with work, and getting ready for his tour

I only had four days left on my trip.

I never wanted to leave

‘See you soon’ I read the text from Harry, as I finished applying my make up

We were going out to dinner tonight.

He told me to dress nicely. Not too dressy, but not too casual either.

We were going to some restaurant that Harry loved

Right as I was about to walk out the room to go down to the lobby and wait, I got a call from her friend, Emma.

Emma was one of her best friends.

Riley hadn’t talked to her, since the last time they talked, so she thought it was nice to catch up with one of her friends.

Emma was just so pretty. I had always been jealous.

I mean, who wouldn’t be jealous of her. She has long, blonde hair, with sparkling blue eyes, just like Niall’s. She had the voice of an angel, but she never brought it out to life.

Emma has always wanted to try out for the X Factor, but she is always too scared. She loves One Direction just as much as I do, and she thought it was so cool that Dylan had been hanging out with Harry.

“Hey, Em! I miss you!” I said as I picked up the phone

“Oh I know! I miss you too! School just hasn’t been the same without you!” Emma said sadly

 “How has it been?! What have I missed?! Any new boyfriends, eh?” I laughed

Emma was never one to have a boyfriend. Yes, she was popular at school, but she liked to stay to herself when it came to boys.

“Dylan! No! And it’s been pretty boring. You haven’t missed much though!”

“Well that’s good! Hey, I have to get going. I’m going out to dinner tonight with Harry. I’ll text you later though! Bye, love you!”

Not waiting for Emma to answer, I just hung up the phone.

“Are we almost here yet?!”

We had been driving for quite a while now, and I was getting restless.

Harry just laughed

I sighed.

“Alright, we’re here! You can quit your whining!”

“Thank god!”

I was getting pretty hungry.

“By the way, you look very beautiful tonight” Harry smiled

I wore a nice top, with a skirt and some wedges.

My hair down, and straight.

I blushed at Harry's compliment.

“Thank you! You don’t look too bad yourself” I replied with a wink

“Well thanks!” Harry giggled

He was so cute. Even though I've only known him for about two weeks, I felt as if it had been a lifetime.

After dinner, we decided to go back to Harrys flat for a bit.

We got there, and it was complete silent.

No one home.

Again, just me and Harry.

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