Star x Finn (Adventure time)

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Star lived in the forest away from everyone. She liked the way it was so quiet. But once in a while she'll visit the hectic Candy Kingdom. Just because her good friend Princess Bubble Gum complained she was never around. Bubble Gum knew why her friend was nervous around a bunch of people.
     Star walked for what felt like hours. It was like someone was trying to tell her something. She reached the Candy Kingdom and looked up at the sign. It said the land of Koo (Did I get that right?)
She shuruged and walked inside the kingdom. She knew somehow that Princess Bubble Gum wasn't there but she didn't know where to find her. She saw a boy talking with his dog (Which wasn't weird considering it's a world where candy walks and talks.) and walked over to him.
"Hello my names Star. I was wondering if you would help me find Bubble Gum." Star said.
"Yeah sure. My names Finn this is my dog Jake." He said studying her cause he never met her before.
"Oh Thank you Finn! You to Jake" Star said "Now I know Bubble Gum isn't here anymore. Can you tell me why she left?"
"Uh yeah, she didn't want to be responsible for so many people." Finn said.
"Oh well I can understand that. I met a Bubble Gum while getting groceries for home. She let go back to the castle with her. And we had dinner. We talked I told her about myself. Then I guess I did something  suspicious. She knew I was hiding something. She managed to get me to say it. And ever since we've been really good friends" Star said.
"What were you hiding?" Finn asked.
"I'll tell you when I'm ready." Star said.
"Oh ok and when will you tell me." Finn asked.
"I just met you! I'll tell you when I'm ready to!" Star said laughing.
"I'm sorry just asking. Well we are about 10 mins away from Bubblegums place" Finn said.
"Thanks again Finn. Thank you Jake. Do you want to stick around I'm sure Bg won't mind. Seeing how she basically tells you everything." Star suggested.
"Alright. We will stick for awhile. Is that fine with you, Jake?" Finn looked at Jake.
"Yeah dude it's fine by me." Jake said then leaned over to Finn,he whispered in his ear. "Maybe she will tell us her secret."
"Alright we'll stay but not for long." Finn said.
    They walked for a little more till they came up Bubble Gums house. They heard screaming coming from inside the house. They ran inside and looked around. Bubble gum was cornered in the first room. They walked to where she was and saw wolves surrounding her.
     Star ran out side and started yelling.
"Hello wolves! Out here!" She yelled.
The wolves ran outside and surrounded her
"OH MY GLOB!WHAT ARE YOU DOING! STAR YOUR GOING TO GET YOUR SELF KILLED!!!!" Finn yelled while Jake guarded Bubble Gum.
"Just trust me ok." She said. "Remember when you asked about my secret."
Finn nodded.
"Well here you go."  She said.
     Her eyes glowed green and she floated up into the air. The wolves floated up. After like 5 mins be and the wolves dropped. Not enough to kill them but enough to scare them, they ran away yelping as they went.

      Star, with her eyes still glowing, teleported to Finn. Who was still staring at where she was standing. She giggled and quickly wrote a not for Bubble Gum. She teleported away and stuck the note on the wall. 
"Wait don't leave yet!" Finn yelled.
   Star watched him run over to her.
"Woah! That was cool!"  He said.
"Thank you! I have to go but first." She kissed him on the lips for about 5 secs and separated
"Will I ever see you again?" Finn asked.
"Of course. I will always want to see that cute face of yours." Star said. She gave him a quick peck on the lips and teleported away. Laughing while thinking about how much she liked Finn.

This Oc story thingy is for Angelina2508   I hope u like it. Just tell me if you don't.

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