Draco Malfoy x reader

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You are (Y/n) a ravenclaw with (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes. You were friends with the golden trio as well. You were the brains of the bunch, well more like a helper to Hermione who did most of the work. You were in your 4th year at Hogwarts and everything was going really well till your bullies ambushed you.
Your bullies were none other than the Slytherin prince and his gang. The worst people in all of Hogwarts to you. Well except for Draco. Draco you always thought was very handsome. Here lately he wasn't acting like he was at the beginning of the year. You found it strange.
One evening after everyone left to spend Christmas with their families (You didn't because you only had your father and he was drunk and abusive most of the time). You were sitting in the common area nice and peaceful when Draco came and sat next to you.
"Malfoy? I thought you would go home for Christmas." You said
"I decided to stay here. There's someone here I don't want to leave alone." Draco said.
You look over him with a look of confusion just to see him staring at you with affection.
"HA! You stayed so you could tease me! That's why you stayed!" You snorted getting up from your seat." I'm done with the teasing Malfoy! Why don't you just leave me alone!"
You ran from the dining area to your houses commons. You sat on a step on the stairway leading to the girls dorm room. You stare at the fire before putting your head between your knees.
"God Malfoy why do you have to be so..URGH!" You said to yourself grasping your head.
After sitting there for a good bit you went to sit and read by the fire. You sat reading your book about a girl getting over her fears and falling in love with one of them. You were really into the book and you didn't notice it was dark outside and footsteps creeping your way.
As you got closer to the middle of the book, you felt pressure on your shoulder. Confused you looked over to see the Slytherin prince himself leaning on your shoulder, asleep.
"Where did he come from?" You asked yourself.
You were trying not to flip out he was asleep on you. Your crush was asleep on your shoulder and he looked quite handsome in the glow of the fire.
"Draco wake up! What if someone comes and sees you here. We'll both be in big trouble!" You whispered frantically shaking him.
"Huh? Oh (Y/n) why did you wake me up?" Draco asked at full volume.
"SHHH!" You said covering his mouth." Look you need to back to the Slytherin dorms. Your in the Ravenclaw and if you get caught here. We'll both be in big trouble."
"What if I don't want to go back to the Slytherin dorms? What if I want stay with you?" Draco whispered with a smirk.
"Just go back to the Slytherin dorms will ya? I don't want to get in trouble and I'm sure yoh don't either." You whispered.
"Alright I'll go. Goodnight (Y/n)." Draco said getting up.
You got up and started up the stairs when the door started opening. I hid in the stairwell then I remembered Draco was still here.
"Serverous go back to the Slytherin dorms and stop pestering me. I wish to go to bed." Professor Flitwick said before shutting the door.
I zoned out thinking about going to bed when Draco entered the stairwell. He wore a snarky smirk on his face and you just rolled your eyes and waved him up the stairs. You took him to your room.
"Looks like I ended up staying with you after all." Draco laughed.
"You can sleep on the floor. I have spare pillows and blankets." You said sternly opening the door.
"Awww ok." Draco said with a frown.
You pulled the pillows and the blankets out and set them up on the rug by the window.
"Let me know if you get cold. Alright goodnight Draco." You said going to the bathroom.

~~Time skip to morning brought to you by Luna Lovegood's loony ways~~~

When you woke up, you felt warmth on your back and arms around your waist. Alarms went off in your head, thinking it was an intruder. So you shot up and looked. A blush lite up on your face when you saw Draco in your bed. You scrambled away and ended up falling off the bed with a large crash. Which woke up Draco.
"Oi! (Y/n) are you ok?" The groggy boy asked.
"Why are you i-in my b-bed?" You stuttered and tried to sit up.
"Oh uh. I got lonely?" Draco lied.
"Uh huh anyways. I'm gonna get dressed and go to breakfast. I guess We'll sneak you out as well." You said going to the bathroom.
You didn't take to long, you just threw on you uniform, brushed your hair and teeth, and put on your robes. When you came out Draco was ready to go and you motioned him out the door. You helped him sneak past the few Ravenclaws in the room. Once in the hallway Draco dared to speak.
"So that was fun?" He said.
You just stared at him, wondering why he was being so nice to you.
"Draco why are you being so nice to me?" You ask looking at the ground.
You didn't notice that Dracos look was getting dark.
You just continued walking until Draco shoved you into the wall. His lips went to your neck.
"D-Draco?" You stuttered.
"Oh how I've wanted to do this for such a long time." Draco whispered in your ear seductively.
His lips moved to your mouth and you kissed passionately.
You has to admit it felt nice to kiss him. You had wanted to for so long. You longed to feel his lips on yours. To feel his hands on your hips.
As the kiss went on your fingers curled into his platinum blond hair. He pulled away slowly and looked into your (E/c) eyes.
"(Y/n) I love you. You drive me crazy with the way you (H/c) hair bounces when you walk. The way you (E/c) eyes sparkle in the sun. Oh how I love you (Y/n)" Draco said.
~~~The next week~~~
You and Hermione were sitting in the library quietly when Hermione noticed the spots on your neck.
"(Y/n) what's on your neck?" She asked.
Yo looked up and caught sight of Draco walking past. You and Draco smirked.
"Nothing." You giggled.

Any ways please let me know if you like this.

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