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I'm sure all of you heard but @voidmaximoff passed away due to a tumor. This is really personal to me because I almost died from a tumor. I hope her last days were full of fun and love. I'm sorry for her family and I know how hard it is. I hope she wasn't in pain and no one troubled her cause even if you don't feel the tumor. You have side effects. I'm sure she a very happy young girl. And it sucks to hear that all the hope is sucked out of her body. I know what that feels like and it's not fun. In fact I'm still fighting my tumor. The battle will never end. I happy she's in a better place now. Like I said I'm sorry for the loss. I'm sure she was great.

I would like to thank @Yavanna80 and @CaptainRingo for telling me. It's  heart breaking to hear this.

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