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I sat up straight and stretched my arms. When I looked at my side, I saw the plushie that someone gave me, I still dont know who that person is. I grabbed it as I stared at it, thinking. "If only you can speak, I'll ask who your owner is" I sighed, looking at the plushie's face. I stood up, getting my towel. I threw the plushie on my bed and headed to the bathroom.

After fixing myself, I carried my bag and took the plushie. Leaving my room, I closed the door and greeted the others. "Nice plushie you got there" DK oppa said, pointing at the plushie I was holding. "I got a plushie too! Mine is Naruto. Wanna see?" he asked and I just nodded. He ran to his room and went back with a Naruto plushie on his hand. "Could it be you?"

"Hmm?" he questioned, looking at me confused. "Are you the one who gave me this plushie?" I lifted my hand. He shook his head "Ani, I didnt gave you that. But I saw that when I took this Naruto plushie. That plushie has a pair, the other one is Kirito"

"Do you know who bought it?" I asked but he shook his head. "Ani, I dont. Mian"

"Kurae, its alright" I smiled and went to the kitchen. When I saw Jeonghan oppa, I poked his shoulder. "Ne, dongsaeng?" he questioned. "I'll be going now" I said.

"Your skipping breakfast?" he asked and I nodded. "I'll just eat there in school" he shook his head and placed a plate on the table. "Eat it. I dont want you to starve" I sighed and just gave up. I sat on the chair and started eating the pancakes he made.


"That plushie, its so cute! Where'd you bought it? Is it a gift?" Yujin eonni asked. I just nodded, I dont really know what to say. "Umm... Yujin eonni,"

"Ne?" she looked at me. "Where are the others?" I asked but she just shrugged her shoulders. "They didnt tell me anything. Maybe they'll be here later" she said with a smile on her face. We walked, heading to the practice room.

I put my bag down and sat on the floor. I stared at the plushie again, thinking who really gave it to me. I remembered what DK oppa said. This plushie has a pair, the other one is Kirito. So it means, the person who bought this has the Kirito plushie. I'll just ask them if they have the other pair or maybe, I'll just find it by myself.

The door suddenly opened and there revealed Seunghee eonni, Sorn eonni, and Seungyeon eonni, smiling. "Two days left guys!" Sorn eonni said, putting her bag down. "And guess what?" Seunghee eonni said, sounding excited. "What?" Yujin eonni and I said in chorus. "The judges will be here later! They'll be talking with the principal about this competition" my eyes widen. I wanted to know who the judges are but I dont think I'll see them. I think they'll just stay there in the office, talking about this. "Im so excited! I want to meet the judges right now" Yujin eonni said. "Us too but we have to get going. We'll be practicing later because we came here late and its about time for class" Seungyeon eonni said, pointing at her wrist watch. I carried my bag and stood beside Seungyeon eonni. "Kaja?" she asked as I nodded. We left the practice room and headed to our class.

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