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Sigh... here I am laying on the sofa, don't know what to do in life. The TV has been playing different dramas that I don't really know. I'm just staring outside the window. Seventeen went to practice earlier and I'm left alone again. They've been very busy that they only greet me a good morning and tell me that I can go out but must go back before curfew. But I don't feel like going out today. I wanna stay inside, relaxed. I guess my friends have been enjoying strolling around Seoul since they haven't sent me a text or even call me. Right now, all I can say is.... I'M BORED.

My phone suddenly buzzed, making me grab it from the floor. Yes, it's on the floor. There's no space on the sofa since I conquered every space... well not really. I checked who sent me a text. It's Dino.

FROM: Dino

Hey Hyori! It's me, Dino :) How're you there? Doing fine? Are you feeling lonely?

My lips formed a smile as I replied,

FROM: Hyori

Hey Dino!! Ne, I'm fine :D and I'm feeling lonely... and bored...

Surprisingly, he replied back,

FROM: Dino

Awww :( if only I'm there, we would have been talking about... I don't know. And if you're bored, why don't you go out with your friends?

I suddenly noticed something. Isn't Dino suppose to be practicing and not texting me?

FROM: Hyori

Dino, aren't you suppose to practice with the others? Don't text me in the middle of your practice! Hoshi oppa might get mad at me for distracting you.

he replied,

FROM: Dino

It's fine~ besides, it's our break time. I just wanted to chat with you since I have nothing to do but to stare at the floor.

I chuckled lightly and replied,

FROM: Hyori

Jinjja? I guess we're the same. I'm actually staring outside the window until you sent me a message.

It took for a while for him to reply but I don't expect him to reply back because maybe Hoshi oppa called them to practice again. My phone buzzed, meaning he replied back.

FROM: Dino

Mianhae, Hyori, but I have to go practice. I'll text you later if we have another break time! Don't feel bored arasseo? There's so much things that you can do. I'll send you a text again. Annyeong!

I smiled, replied,

FROM: Hyori

Arasseo! Dino, fighting! But don't over-work yourself. Annyeong!!

I placed my phone back on the floor and stared at the window again. Dino is right. There are a lot of things I can do, but I'm just too lazy to do it. Maybe I'll ask Rocky and Seunghee eonni to go out with me? I might just disturb them. They may be doing something else. I sat up, still staring at the window. What can I do? Clean the dorm? Nope. The dorm is fully clean. Do groceries? I don't have enough money and they rarely eat here since they're always out to practice. Take a walk outside? It's cold out. Call someone? I might just disturb them.

I hit myself with a pillow because I can't think of anything to do. Wait. I stood up, glancing at the door to my room. I'll paint instead! Yes, that's fine. I walked towards my room til I realize that I don't have any canvas to paint on. I heaved a sigh, knowing that I have to go outside and buy one. I lazily went back to the sofa and looked at the TV, noticed that I haven't switched it off. I grabbed the remote and switch it off because nobody is even watching. So I just sat there, staring at the TV. I took my phone which was on the floor and scrolled down in my contacts. I decided to call her because you know, bored.



I wonder how Hyori is doing after I sent her the text. I'm positively sure that she did something, like walk in the park, hang out with friends, etc. We've been practicing a lot because the concert is near. We should be taking a rest but we want to give our best to our fans.

Right now, the performance unit; me, The8 hyung, Jun hyung, and Hoshi hyung, are practicing. The others are having a break. They're watching us practice but tried to dance along too. It's actually fun even though we are tired. At least what we worked hard for is worth it. We'll be making our fans happy, seeing those smiles at their faces. And especially, seeing her smile. The text she sent me, it made my heart skip a beat and made me work hard even more. But seriously though, I wonder what she's doing right now.

"Water break!" Seungkwan hyung suddenly said, giving us a water bottle each. "Thanks, Seungkwan" Hoshi hyung said as he drank his. He looked at me and pointed at the bottle. "Aren't you gonna drink that?" he asked. I looked at the bottle that was on my hand and nodded. Suddenly, Joshua hyung said in english, "Drink water!" making me and Seungkwan hyung look at him. Seungkwan hyung just nodded slowly and said, "Just drink it" and left. I shrugged my shoulders, opening the cap and drank it. "Okay. Everyone, let's practice again!" Hoshi hyung said, making everyone stand up and go back to where they are positioned.


"Kaja!" DK hyung said. We fixed our things and went to the van. Finally, we're going back to the dorm. Everyone is really exhausted, even me. While we were in the van, everyone was asleep. It was quiet which is a perfect time to sleep. And this sitting position is really comfortable so I can go to sleep in any second. After that, the last thing I knew is that I fell asleep.

"Seventeen, wake up! We're here" I heard Seungcheol hyung said. I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing that we're really here. We were all sleepy to even talk with each other. We went to our dorm, Seungcheol hyung opening the door. When he finally opened it, all of us went in. The first thing I saw was Hyori sleeping on the sofa. "Aigoo. Why did she sleep here?" I heard Jeonghan hyung said. He sighed as he carried her quietly back to her room, making sure she doesn't wake up. Even if Jeonghan hyung is exhausted and sleepy, he'll still take care of her sister. Such a loving and caring brother, he is.

I headed to my room since that's what everyone's doing. I collapsed on my bed and while ym eyes were closed. Seconds passed and I went to dream land. Good night, Hyori. Saranghae~


Is this chapter boring or no? Sorry for not updating :( school started like weeks ago.

I hope you like this chapter and its AJU NICE! Right now, I have to go back to my Healing time since I've been stressed with homework. I hope everything will be SIMPLE and I'm hoping all of you to have a nice day! Don't mind those people you hate, they are No F.U.N. Haters gonna hate, am I right? Anyways, I'll say it again. I hope you like this chapter! Right now, I Can't See The End of this book. But no worries, I'll find it out soon :))

See what I did there? xD

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