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FINALLY!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS! You guys don't know how much I fangirled while watching this XD 


I just sat on my bed and stared at my laptop screen. Its been an hour that I've been staring at it. I kept on thinking about what Dino said, I cant stop thinking about it.

"I like you"

When he said that, my heart was beating crazy. I dont even know what to say. I was just staring at him that I even blushed like a tomato.

I closed my laptop, putting it back on the study table. I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. What if I told him that I like him too? I quickly sat up and shook my head. What am I thinking?! Thats not the right thing. I heaved a sigh and threw my pillow in annoyance. It suddenly hit someone, and that someone is Minghao oppa. "Omo... Minghao oppa, mianhae" I said, standing up to get my pillow. He shook his head and grinned "Ani, its alright"

As I took my pillow, I let him in. He sat on the chair while me, I sat on my bed. "Minghao oppa, why arent you asleep yet at this time?"

"I was gonna ask you the same question" he sighed. "Well... for me.. I just cant sleep. I was thinking too much"

"Thinking about what?" I asked but he shook his head. I hummed and nodded slowly. "What about you?"

"Same reason. I also cant sleep and Im thinking too much" I said and hugged my pillow. Afterwards, there was an awkward silence. He was just staring at the floor, not moving an inch. As I stared at him, I kinda notice something different about him. He was... sad? Disappointed? Regretting something? Well kinda like those three. Why?

I faked a cough to break that awkwardness. "Minghao oppa, are you okay?" I asked but he wasnt startled by it. I sighed and called him again. "Minghao oppa" he still wasnt moving. Has he became a statue or...? "Minghao oppa!" I yelled, but not too loud because they're all sleeping already. And now he got startled by it. "Ne?" he questioned. "Are you okay?" I asked again as he nodded and smiled. "Sure?"

"Of course Im sure" he said, leaning back on the chair. "Umm... Hyori?"

"Hmm?" I hummed and waited for what he'll say. "Can I ask you something? Its alright if you dont answer it" I nodded and lay on my bed, now staring at the ceiling. "Do you perhaps... like... Dino?" I suddenly froze by that question. Do I like Dino? I asked myself. I just shrugged my shoulders "I dont really know if I like him or not. Im not yet sure in what I feel" I answered. Well thats my honest answer. I dont really know how I feel. Or do I? Minghao oppa stood up and went towards the door, turning the doorknob. "Well goodnight, Hyori. Sleep now arasseo?" he said as I nodded and smiled. "Ne. Goodnight" he waved at me and left my room, closing the door.

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