ONE: The Airport Debacle

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Felicity Sage:

The shaking of the car on the rocky road and the melodical perfection that was 'Pretty Thoughts' by Alina Baraz & Galimatias was in some ways soothing to me. Well, anything was soothing at this point because my nerves were so built up, it hurt.

Why, you ask?

It was because I was traveling alone for the first time. And It didn't matter that my parents initially denied me of traveling to a whole other continent, because the end goal was to help the people that needed it most.

Let me give you the backstory.

It was the spring of my second year at the University of California. I was sitting and listening to the usual Rotaract Club updates and upcoming sign ups for community service projects. But when they explained Korner CO.'s partnership with colleges in North America for the 'Give Care' campaign, that really caught my attention.

Korner Co. is a multi-billion dollar corporation here in California. They were looking for volenteers from each of the colleges that are participating in Rotaract club to 'show leadership qualities' and all of the other qualities that came with joining and participating in clubs.

There were so many different choices that they offered, but one in particular caught my eye: Helping the Somalian refugees.

All of those refugees in Somalia without a home to go to, without anything in all reality- it made my stomach churn. How there are no jobs because the lazy ass government doesn't know how to make any, which leads to no income for the families, which then leads to the mass riots and shootings all over the country.

And thank God I found out about what Korner CO. was doing for the refugees when I did. Because when I did, I did all I could to convince my parents that I was 'mature enough' to travel alone (and let me tell you, it took months). If you haven't caught on, the convincing finally gave way.

Which leads us to the now, just me in the car driving.

I should also point out that before heading to the airport, I had to make a last minute stop to my childhood home to drop off some leftover boxes for my parents new home. So now my luggage and the bunch of boxes are jam packed into my mini, making it a very tight squeeze for me, (as if it already isn't a struggle to drive in L.A.).

I never liked my childhood home, in fact I HATED it. It wasn't because of the house itself. The house was beautiful. But beautiful has been ruined for me. My old home just brings back so many unwanted memories.

Although there are memories of holding barbeques and family gatherings with my loved ones and memories of sitting on the roof outside of my bedroom and gazing up at the stars every Friday night. Or memories of watching the fireworks on the Fourth of July with my family and friends, there was one memory that ruined everything for me. All the good memories I had made, gone in a blink of an eye. Life was ruined for me. But I had to pull through, put on a brave face, try to forget what has happened, and move forward.

I finally reach my parent's new home to drop off the left over moving boxes. And let me tell you, it is so nice to have a fresh start and start over from the past.

"Mom. Dad. I'm here with the boxes!"

"Ya one sec, honey, let me finish up what im doing," my mom yells in response!

So within a few seconds I hear my mom frantically shuffling around the house only to appear on the front porch. My dad follows and are both helping me move the boxes into house.

After I had finish with the boxes, I drive over to the airport and pull into a parking spot. It is surprisingly empty. I run into the airport and check in my luggage. After, I go through Customs. As I walk through the security box, a big beep sounded.

Shit, what did I forget to take off? 

But then I saw a guy running away with a big bag of stuff (probably all with their tags intact) and the cops following right behind him.

Ugh...idiot. I roll my eyes at the dumbass who thought it was a good idea to rob a store where there were a bunch of cops. (Who robs an airport anyway? There are other, better, more expensive places to steal from.)

After grabbing my stuff from the conveyor belt, I find my gate and sit down in an isolated spot (obviously by an outlet). I slip in my headphones and listen to music. After a few minutes, I noticed people getting up to get on the plane, so I quickly grab my carry-on and slip into the line, plane tickets in hand.

This is it, Felicity. Think of all the people you are going to help. Think of how many lives you are going to impact.

I get onto the plane and call my mother. Oh, please don't cry, I hoped while waiting for her to pick up.


"Hey, Mom."

"Oh, honey, are you on the plane now?"

"Yes, I am. I was just calling to tell you that I love you and that I'll see in a few months."

"I love you too, sweetie and remember to call when you land ok?"

"Ok Mom"

"Please turn off all electronics as we are about to take off. Thank you." The overhead speaker spoke.

"Mom, I have to go."

"Ok bye, I'll see you soon." I honestly thought she was going to cry...

After I got comfortable, I notice that the seat next to me was empty. Thank g-

"Hey...could you scoot over? You're in my seat." Damn it, I spoke too soon. I look up to see a boy around my age. I force a smile, nodding in acknowledgement and scoot over.

Wait a hot second...

"Aren't you the dumbass who robbed that store?"



How was it??

We still need cast suggestions so help us pweese.

Choices for FELICITY:

Emily Bett Rickards

Yael Grobglas

Katie Leclerc


Choices for LILIA:

Gina Rodriguez

Vanessa Marano


Choices for Hayden:

Colton Haynes

Alex Pettyfer


Choices for Raymond:

Justin Baldoni


Question of the Chapter:

Don't you just love the word Debacle?


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