Chapter 20: Well this isn't how I planned on spending my summer*

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Chapter 20: Well this isn't how I planned on spending my summer

"I won't cry, it'll be fine. I'll take my last breath. Push it out my chest 'til there's nothing left." -Hollywood Undead

Waking up with a massive hangover I can deal with any day, but waking up to a constant beeping noise with a headache from hell, my ribs burning with every breath I take, and not being able to feel anything from the waist down; is a shell shocker to say the least. After I heard the gun shot, every thing is kinda blurry. I can only remember bits a pieces, the thing that stands out the most to me is, being shot, again.

As I slowly start to open my eyes, I'm blinded with the overly white room, and the lights overhead, not helping the jackhammer feeling in my head at all. Well I know I'm in the hospital, not the first time waking up here.

I look down at what I am wearing and cringe a little, a purple hospital gown, my left arm has an IV in it, my shoulder has bandaging onto it, i lift up my gown to find my stomach area is all purple, and bruised with cuts, and scrapes, and my right leg; all the way up past my knee is in a brace cast thingy.

"Your awake" A very tired Lizzie says looking at me, now is the time I realize that I'm not alone, but Lizzie is setting in a chair next to my bed, holding my hand.

"Hey" I choke out, as I realize my mouth is drier than the Sahara desert.

"Here this should help" she says handing me a cup of water.

"Thanks, where is everyone else?" I ask bracing myself for the worst.

"Well, my mum is dead, and so is that Charlie dude." she says looking really sad, but yet relieved at the same time.

"I'm really sorry about your mum, it's all my fault, literally." I say as my eyes water up a bit.

"No it's not, you did what I would have done. It was sick that she was involved with all this, I don't blame you. Besides if it wasn't for you, I might have lost my two best friends" she says looking at me with a half smile, but it disappears as quickly as it came.

"Where's everyone else" I ask as I wipe at my eyes making things clearer.

She gulps and looks towage the door, avoiding my eyes. A habit that she has when she has something really bad to say.

"Lizzie" i say with panic lining my voice.

"caydonandcameronmighthavegottenshotandhazelalmostdied" she rushes out so fast that I can barely understand a single thing that she has said.

"What?" my jaw drops open in complete and utter shock, the only thing that stands out to me is Hazel almost dying and someone being shot.

She takes a deep breath "Caydon and Cameron got shot, and Hazel almost died. Mr K is okay just a few bruises, and apparently the rest of them are okay, a few got some cuts, but you and Hazel got the worst of it" she says still kinda rushed but I can make out what she said.

"Where are they now?" I ask as I start to cry, my ribs and stomach area hurting badly as I do.

"Hazel is comatose, she lost a lot of blood, she almost died. She had to have a transfusion, but she has a rare blood type of AB- and they had issues finding someone to be able to donate blood to her directly." she says biting her lip and looking towage the door again.

"Did they find someone to donate the blood" I ask trying to stop the tears from spilling out even more.

"Not just blood either, she had to have a liver transplant as well as one kidney removed, she was shot over 3 times." she says rolling up her hoodie sleeve, and I notice a bandage onto her arm, I give her a puzzled look "We have the same exact blood of AB-, so I donated some to her, she also had the transplant, the doctor said it was easier finding her a liver than her blood type" she said chuckling a bit.

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