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Hello fellow humans!
So I suddenly had an idea for this story the other day, and instead of logging it into my book of 'Unreleased book ideas', I decide to just go ahead and turn it into an actual story!

WARNING: cheesy romance story ahead
This will probably contain a couple of errors in grammar and punctuation. If that makes you in any way uncomfortable, please hang in there with me.

i.e the beginning is horrible but I promise it gets better in upcoming chapters :)

Lexi's POV

"I'm so excited" Maya comments throwing some random shirts into her suitcase, "This is going to be the best trip ever."

"I doubt it" I reply taking another bite out of my apple.

She turns scowling and points a finger at me, "you will be excited for this trip."

I salute her. "Yes sergeant."

Maya gets a dreamy look on her face. "What's not to like? We're going to be on the beach all day surrounded by sweaty, hot, shirtless guys. That's every girls teenage dream."

"Not mine. Beaches aren't really my thing" I shrug taking a last bite out of my remaining apple before throwing it perfectly into the garbage basket besides the bed.

"SHE SHOOTS, SHE SCORES!" I yell throwing my hands up into the air before falling back onto Maya's bed.

Maya shakes her head at me, "what is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that nothing you ever say or do is normal."

I scoff. "I don't quite know what you mean."

She taps her chin, "you're like a mixture of every person I've ever met, plus if you didn't have boobs I wouldn't know if you were a boy or a girl."

"That's sexist" Is the only thing that I can come up with as a comeback.

"I'm choosing to ignore that statement" she replies walking into her closet and emerging a few second later holding 20 pairs of shoes in her hand.

She struggles all the way to the bed and drops them into her open suitcase before looking up and glaring at me.

"Thanks for the help" she says sarcastically.

I shrug. "You looked like you were handing it."



"Whore" she winks at me.

That's just the way our friendship goes.


"I wonder how many marshmallows I can fit in my mouth at once" I think out loud staring at Maya's ceiling fan.

"WHAT?" Maya yells at me from inside the bathroom, "I CANT HEAR YOU."

"Never mind" I tell her loudly.

"WHAT?" She yells at me again.

I'm about to respond to her when her doorbell rings disrupting the most silence that I've had in a week.

"THAT'S PROBABLY KATIE AND ELLIE. CAN YOU ANSWER IT" she yells at me from the bathroom where I hear the shower running.

I groan and lay still for a moment before standing up from the bed and walking down her hallway to the front door.

As soon as I open the door I'm attacked by flailing limbs, also known as my friend Katie. Ellie stands behind her and waves at me shyly. I grin back at her and try to pry Katie's hands off of me but she isn't budging.

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