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Cameron's POV

"Come on" I mutter banging the vending machine for what feels like the millionth time. Lexie's currently located on the floor next to me. After my fifth attempt, I think she just gave up on standing.

"You know, you could help", I scowl. "I am trying to get your Cheetos after all."

"Too much effort" she whines, reminding me of Burtrum.


For once in her life she actually participates and stands up to help me push. Not that it makes much of a difference, of course.

"It's like you're not even helping", I complain giving up and leaning against the machine with a huff. "You have the strength of a mouse."

"I do not!"

"My little cousin is stronger then you. And she's five."

She gives me a glare and I can't help but chuckle. She's so easy to make mad. All I have to do is say one word and BAM! World War lll.

That's right. I payed attention in History.

"Why do you even care about my Cheetos? It's not like I'm going to repay you if they come out."

"I use the vending machine too" I remind her. "I'd rather it not go out of service because of your dumb Cheetos."

"They are not dumb Cheetos. They are everything to me", she tries to argue but I think we both know she can't win.

"Calm down", I laugh patting her on the head like a dog. She swats my hand away though.

Lexi looks at me with a cute frown on her face. "Why the vending machine? Why don't you go out to get food? Or bring some from home."

"I'm not in the first grade", I reply making her glare at me. That seems to happen a lot. "Plus my dad's not giving me money any time soon."

"I know that, idiot."

Seriously, what have I ever done to make her see me as an idiot or something? I'm funny as fuck and hot. What's not to like about me?

"Stop calling me names!" I glare at her with a frown, "I've never done anything to have you treat me so bitchy."

Her face turns immediately red and I know that she's about to explode. "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A BITCH CA-" she pauses to take a breath and glares at me. "I'm not a bitch."

I chuckle at her, "I never said you were."

"Yes you did!" She points her finger at me. "You just said that I was giving you 'bitchy names'."

"There's a difference between saying something bitchy and being a bitch", I point out.

I feel like my science teacher Mr. Albert. That man need to seriously get laid.

"You're wrong", she continues to glare at me making me laugh. Is she seriously not going to let it go? I've called her a bitch before. It's nothing new.


"Dude did you hear about what Maya did last night at Jefferson's party?" Jason asks me opening up his locker to take out his textbook.

"What?" I ask leaning against my locker, bored as fuck.

He starts talking and I zone out.

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