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Cameron's POV

"What?!" I snap.

"What the hell's got your panties in a twist?" Ian asks amused, "is Lexie ignoring you again?"

"It's six AM" I hiss down the phone, "what the hell do you want?"

"Sorry" he sighs over the phone, "I didn't realize that you were on your man period or I wouldn't have called."

I scowl, even though he can't see me. "You're so annoying"

"I know."

"What do you want?" I rub my eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them.

"I have to talk to you about something important."

"And this couldn't wait? We have school in two hours. Just tell me then."

"I don't want to."

"Well too bad" I hang up the phone and throw it somewhere on the bed.


I groan, pulling my blankets off of me and climbing out of bed. There's no point in going back to sleep when I have to wake up in less then an hour anyway. I sigh, picking up my phone again and sending Lexie a quick text message.

To: Lexie :)

Hey, are you awake?

As I wait for her reply I chuck my phone back onto the bed before heading towards my closet. I would usually turn on the bedroom light so that I can see better, but the light streaming through my window is more then enough.

Pulling open the doors I quickly rummage through my clothes, finding a suitable outfit and putting it on.

As I'm pulling on my pants my phone beeps and I do a strange hop/skip to my bed with my pants halfway down my ass.

From: Lexie :)


I chuckle.

To: Lexie :)

Great, would you mind if I pick you up in an hour instead of two?

She replies almost instantly.

From: Lexie :)

I have a feeling that you're going to do it anyway, so sure.

I grin to myself, sending her a quick response.

To: Lexie :)

You know me too well ;)

Once I'm finished getting dressed I grab my backpack, stuffing my phone inside and heading out of the room.

Last night I didn't want to run into my dad, so I decided to climb into my bedroom through the window. I'm on the second floor, and it's not too high up. Thank god there's a ledge as well, or every time I've skipped using the front door I would have fallen on my ass.

My dad probably doesn't know I came back last night at all, so if he's downstairs he'll get a hell of a shock seeing me walk casually down the steps.

Luckily he isn't and I sigh in relief, bypassing the living room and heading out the front door. I lock it quietly behind me, careful not to make any sound.

Since I didn't want my dad to know I came home last night, I parked my car down the street instead of in the garage like I usually would.

I groan, starting the five minute walk to where it's parked. This seemed like a good idea last night, but in hindsight it wasn't, considering that unless I'm in practice I'm usually much too lazy to walk long distances.

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