Chapter 7

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A week had passed and I was surprised that we had made it this far. Especially Nathan he was still so young and yet he was handling it better than me. My years of Cleaning and hunting had not prepared me for such a long and treacherous journey yet the only problem that we had faced so far was exhaustion. We hadn't passed another city since we started a week or two ago. We had limited food due to Animals being a rare sight here. And the water was limited to us. We had made it To Amvel the continent south of my homeland. It was a whole new experience to me, the stories my Father told me about were not serving this place any justice. The sky was a light free color and the ground was a aqua blue. It was beautiful yet there were no trees in sight. The place looked like a barren wasteland yet it was Gorgeous and the lack of trees didn't change that. I looked behind us as we Walked onto the grass I couldn't believe that I didn't see the change in ground texture. It started changing about 300 yards back to a Blue and sand mix which was quite odd because the grass where I lived needed soil to live and this was living on top of sand. I kicked at the blue field and Sand came up as well I wasn't surprised why should have I been that's all this place was. Sand, sand and more sand. I glanced at Nathan he was looking straight forward, he seemed determined to find his home. The air was salty and it was very clear there had to be an ocean somewhere close. I unrolled the map and pointed west "So we are close to Sandy Ocean. Which means we Stay with the general Direction as before. Until we reach the r-shape the land offers than we stay to the right side to pass through to the southern part of this continent which should hold more potential for us." Michelle spoke for the first time in a long time "Well how far do you think we have till we make it to the r-shape?" I had no clue so I shrugged it off and started walking again.

The night had come quicker than it normally would and it got dark. I asked Michelle if we could camp here for the night, there was a tree about 30 feet from us and it would make a great fire to keep any nosey animals away. But how to cut it down and up into firewood. We started with a small stone we had found it only cut.2-3 centimeters Into the scrawny tree. Nathan gave it a go after Michelle had given up. He cut another 4 Centimeters at that point the tree only had a little more to go I leaned on it causing a cracking noise Yet it didn't Budge. I made an executive decision to climb the tree. I hadn't made it halfway when it started cracking. I realized the errors of my ways as I came tumbling to the Ground along with the Weak tree. I landed on my arm onto of the tree and I Surprisingly could still feel the arm along with the pain that was slowly growing. I looked at the others and they hadn't budged from their spots. I ripped a handful of grass and calmly said "Don't you both hurt yourselves trying to help me up." I struggled to push myself back up off the Ground. My right arm seemed broken yet I still had control over it and could still feel it. The pain was unbearable. "Nathan, I need you to cut this wood into smaller pieces. And Michelle I'll need you to gather a few good sized rocks." Before they could complain I had sat down on the now unfolded blanket and took a rest. Michelle had struggled bringing back 2 stones, I had noticed this and stood up to find some more while she was gone. When she returned I had found 8 more of much larger proportions than hers were. Nathan snickered "Good job Michelle, you're so good you don't remember getting these." She looked surprised as I sat in the same spot as earlier.

Nathan had finally cut the tree into acceptable chunks and Michelle had finished her task in making a fire pit (with a little help from yours truly). We had put logs in the pit and looked at it. They both looked at me until I had noticed. "Oh by the way I don't know how to start a fire." They both fell to the ground as I started laughing. Nathan looked up at me "Than why did we make the fire pit!" he asked. I turned away from them and crossed my arms, my eyes were searching. "What are you doing?" my head turned towards them as I said "I'll be right back." I returned a few minutes later with grass and two stones, than Sat down in front of the fire and hit the rocks together until a fire burst onto the grass. Michelle exploded at me. "I thought you didn't know how to make a fire." My head turned towards them once more "Well I lied, I just wanted to see how we worked as a team." They both seemed furious but I was laughing on the inside. "We did pretty well except well Michelle didn't do her part fully." I said with a smile which was followed by a hard hit from the small girl who sat behind me. Standing up in front of the fire seemed like an impossible task as it was so hot out here already it took my breath away. But I did. Stand and then walked maybe 5 or so meters away so I could still be in talking distance. Yet not smother while I slept. The others did the same. "Why did you even want to build this? It's so hot Lewis." Nathan whined. "I mean a fire is great for stories don't you think?" was my reply. "So before we go any further I need to know what I'm taking you back to." Nathan glanced at Michelle and her back at him. "Well it's not all clear to me but I'll try." Was what the boy said with a bit of doubt?

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