Chapter 6

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What happened was a blur after that I had fell face first onto the ground. And my eyes had remained open but I couldn't move. Michelle had saw everything and panicked she rand to the house and got Nathan. I couldn't move any part of my body. I felt drained and weak. They made their way to me and when they touched me I regained control of my arms. I grabbed the dirt And threw it my pain was more excruciating than the idea that I couldn't walk I didn't feel my legs yet I felt the pain in them and the rest of my body. I started yelling. "What's happening!" they both looked at me and Replied that they didn't know. I laid there for maybe 10 minutes until I Stopped feeling pain and could sit up. Nathan attempted to help me up but to no avail he struggled for a minute until Michelle told him to stop. I stood up slowly and quickly made it back to my home. "Guys" I yelled. They burst through the door. "What Would you need help with?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Michelle asked. " I had a dream last night and it told me to help you guys, so whatever it is your thinking about doing sign me up because I believe it may have caused the noise and my episode out there." "We don't have any plans, we thought we were going to lose one another after we went through the barrier we haven't thought of any other plans." She said. I looked at her than Nathan he looked up at me and said " I do." She looked at him with surprise. "We need to go back Michelle" "We can't run from our problems forever." She looked at me and nodded "your right Nate." She sighed. "But we can't go back we are so far North and if we try to go through we will die remember?" he looked down. "That's the thing Michelle I've been thinking has anyone ever witnessed a person go through and die. Cause some stories say you die when you go through but here we are." He was a very mature kid for his age. I walked towards the window and stared towards the south. " this is what my dream was telling me to help you with. I have to go through with you, that noise appeared the morning before I met you guys." Michelle shook her head. Her hair flopped to the right. As she looked at me her eyes pierced through the brown mess and into my eyes we can't take you from your home, your family would miss you." she had hit deep. I quickly broke her gaze as I put my head down. "My parents are dead." She also looked down and apologized. Nathan looked at me again "How did they die?" He asked innocently. "Nathan!" Michelle screeched. I went back to looking out the window. I held back my feelings and swallowed my anger. Silence was in the air for minutes until I walked to my room and grabbed my dad's old suitcase. It was in good condition as if it were new. I stacked clothes into it and extra ones for them but I'd have to make arrangements for them to get new clothes. I grabbed the map that they had made and headed for the door, turning for one last look at my room all my memories came back. Slowly I turned towards the others pointed at the door. They both turned without a word and walked out I followed the we hadn't made it 500 yards from the door before I remembered the most crucial part of our journey. I dropped the bag and ran back to the house I grabbed the gold muzzled rifle I had use for hunting.

"Dad I don't want to go hunting today." I whined. He looked at me with an evil look. "You will go and you will kill something! Now go and get my gun." I rushed out of the family room and into the bedroom. I glanced around the room and didn't see the gun. I was Reluctant to tell my Father I didn't know where the weapon was but I yelled for him. "Damn it boy are you useful for anything?" he yelled back. He came into the room And said. "I'm only going to show you this once." He shut the door and pulled the string behind it ,which was clearly to high for me to reach. The rifle was mounted in the wall and came out with ease. He held the butt of the gun and handed it to me. "Now go make me proud boy."

This weapon was a memory of my past and it would always be with me. I shut the door for the last time. I knew I wouldn't be coming back. I pointed to the south which was the opposite way. Nathan struggled to carry the bag to where I had been standing. I picked it up along with the rifle and started walking. I had walked between the too standing stones that had been made by myself. The dirt had settled I stopped for a minute and stood in between them and carried on. They both looked at me but decided against asking questions and continued following.

Hours had passed and the scene never changed. It was all sand, night had fallen and it was still as hot as it Was when we left. "I'm glad we live on such a small planet" Michelle exclaimed. I looked at her, her face was covered in sweat, the long beautiful hair she had was now matted to the back of her head. Yet she didn't seem exhausted the least bit yet she had changed noticeably her beauty was still there. I examined her carefully it was her skin. She had started to burn and understandably so. She never wore clothes that revealed her skin to our Sun but I could hardly see where she was burned due to the moon's being in a upside down crescent shape they cast off very little light tonight. But I was hardly concerned about her, it was Nathan who seemed to be doing the worst as he was falling behind. This shouldn't be the worst adventure that he has endured in his life, could it? I stopped and they immediately did to. "Get on my back Nathan" I said regretfully but what other choice did we have. He immediately ran up to me and climbed on my shoulders. This would prove to be a bad decision he would only burn in the day and it would slow me down as well. But it was better for the night.

The night had begun to end and we were all exhausted, we made a group decision to stop going for a bit and rest. Nathan fell off my shoulders which was a relief for the distance we had gone had made me start aching and I didn't have it in to me to go on. I threw the bag down and opened it I grabbed the single blanket on the ground it was definitely large enough for us to sit on yet Michelle refused to because we were in the middle of a desert And if we stopped now we wouldn't go on. She grabbed the blanket and walked off. I naturally didn't disagree Nathan was already following behind her so I did too. The sand was harsh as we went on it only grew in harassing us. I had taken the lead again and grabbed the map from my back pocket. Walking while looking at a map is not a bright idea, especially if said place is an uncharted desert I seemed to have forgot where I was as I took my next step it was onto a small boulder and I lost my footing. What really got to me is that I had no warning the people who were behind me didn't say anything until I had a face full of hot, grainy sand. I had to pick myself back up and look at them, they were laughing at me instead of showing concern which was a sign that they didn't respect me or didn't care but I had to go on they needed my help. I didn't say a word to them as we moved on.

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