Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-in the beginning (Sasha)

Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye, just a flicker of movement that you dismissed as a trick of the light? Yeah well that's me. Oh and by the way next time you see that, ask who is there it would be a nice change.

So anyway I started on a bit of a tangent there but I am the invisible girl and this is my story.

I'm sorry but the first part of this story sucks because this was my life before. The story begins in a quiet little city called Hull famous for its culture and bridge suffice to say it bored me out of my mind. Without further ado may I present Sasha Jenkins or the past me if you'd prefer.

I walked along the corridors alone as usual my shoulders slumped and spirits low a typical day. I was on my way to Geography with Mrs Light who despite her name is the most spiteful woman around. I sighed as I pulled my homework out of my bag and deemed it as usual average. But that was me little old average.

During the class we watched a video on hurricanes a rare treat and I reflected on the day. Not much had happened which was the usual I had gone under the radar the whole day in class and out. I sat on my own at lunch but nobody had noticed in the bustling dinner hall. I watched people go past longing for someone to sit next to me but the seat remained empty gathering dust.

I have had friends in the past but it never works out. I am like a shadow in a photo slightly annoying but nobody can be bothered to take another. In fact I am like a shadow full stop I hang in the back not really getting noticed just something you get used to and learn to ignore.

My classes aren't much better the teachers don't notice me as I get average grades and I put my hand up just enough to not get picked on for help motivating others or for not doing enough. I don't have a particular subject I'm good at or any I especially enjoy so I never seem to excel at anything.

The bell rings and my thoughts are interrupted so I gather my things and leave. On the way home I decide to visit the park I like and go for a walk which usually makes me feel better and clears my head.

I started my wanderings around the city once I started secondary school and realized nobody notices me. I could run around naked raving about bananas and nobody would bat an eyelid. Today I really needed the park therapy because the final straw of my invisibility happened earlier on.

I was in the corridors looking at my timetable which showed me I was in the wrong place. Seeing that I was in distress a guy came over to help me. This guy just happened to be the guy I've had a crush on forever Morgan Hemp. He said upon seeing me "Oh are you new here let me show you where to go."

At that moment I wanted to curl up and die. New Girl! I was in the same class as him for 3 lessons and had been for 4 years. I stuttered a dismissal and ran to my next lesson wiping away tears as I went. So yeah a particularly dismal day.

I sat on my favourite bench that was under a willow tree next to the lake. It was so peaceful here and I felt at one with nature, with the ancient tree above me and the ducks bobbing about in the lake in front.

I peered into the glassy surface of the lake examining my features carefully. There is nothing here to suggest why I am ignored, I am not pretty but by no means am I ugly. I have creamy ivory skin which has not a single freckle, blemish or mark upon it which contrasts greatly with my silvery grey hair. I am quite tall and willowy in shape which makes me quiet and light on my feet. My lips show up a light pink and very noticeable in my pale face but are nothing compared to my eyes which are a light grey and flecked with shocking blue.

Something was a wrong with my reflection today the water was still but my whole body looked fuzzy round the edges as if a bubble surrounded me. I leaned in closer but couldn't find the cause of this mysterious phenomenon so I shook my head and decided I was tired and it was my imagination.

I got up and started to walk home but with my head swirling with thoughts I didn't see a woman walking straight towards me and I ended up bumping into her. I tried to apologise but she seemingly didn't hear me because she was too preoccupied with looking wildly around for the object in her path. She didn't see me at all! I waved my hand in front of her face but there was no reaction from her. Then she seemed to decide she must have tripped on a rock or something and walked away. What the hell was going on!

I began to quicken my pace desperate to get out of the crazy park. However I continued to bump into people on the way out who didn't notice me in their path. By the time I got home I was thoroughly freaked out and all I wanted to do was lie on my bed and go to sleep but of course that wasn't going to happen.

You may have thought that was a reference to the fact my parents would be pleased to see me and would want to know about my day, you would be wrong. My parents are even less involved in my life than teachers and people my age (16). They completely ignore me while fussing over my little sister who is by the way a she devil. She is 12 years old sassy as hell and thinks she owns the place sometimes I wish I was mixed up at birth and had some secret family who loved me.

I walked through the door and was met by a sticky note 'went for ice-cream with Claire be back in ten.' That note pretty much sums up my whole life. We went somewhere with someone cooler be back when we get bored which will take forever.

I sighed and sloped of to my room to attempt to tackle the mountain of homework I had been set for the weekend. But I had trouble concentrating because my mind was completely preoccupied with the events at the park. I had so many questions I felt like I was drowning. Why did I bump into so many people? Why were they so confused about it? My procrastination however was interrupted by the arrival of my dad who was back from work.

He did not call to see if I was home or not like a usual parent, instead I heard the fridge open and close then the Television turn on. Well that was distracting all I could here now was the news screaming out of the box at full volume. I plucked up my courage and went to confront him.

"Hey dad erm how was your day," I asked. He ignored me and started flicking through the channels. I decided he couldn't hear me above the noise.

"Dad," I said nearly shouting but still I got nothing. I went to stand right in front of the TV which took some guts because he would shout bloody murder at anyone who interrupted TV time after work. However he looked straight through me as if I was transparent and continued watching the golf which now occupied the screen. Appalled, horrified, scared and confused I rushed to find a mirror.

This could not be possible I told myself over and over as I went into the bathroom but still I launched myself desperately at the reflection I now saw. No, no this was not right this must be some trick. A TV prank show that had to be it I tore round the room searching wildly for cameras but I found none. I sank to the floor sobbing but still I was in front of the mirror which showed me the hideous horror of my reflection.

A/N: I found the perfect picture of Sasha but it wouldn't work :( but i hope you enjoyed leave a comment any feedback is appreciated.

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