Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- A mysterious girl in my room (stranger)

I sat stiffly on my bed waiting for the healing to stop but knowing the pain would still remain afterwards. How did I end up here? I thought superpowers were meant to make you into an instant crime fighting hero making girls swoon and criminals shake in their boots. But here I am cowering in my room from a mere mortal even though by now I'm certain nobody can kill me not even myself.

And then she appeared the beautiful girl who came from nowhere. She had silvery hair and stormy blue eyes which stood stark against her pale creamy skin. She was average height and had a small frame making her seem light as a feather but something about her demeanour told me if I tried to pick her up I would regret it. For a second I wondered if she was a spectre as I had never seen anyone who looked like that. She seemed to start suddenly as if only just noticing where she was and who was in front of her.

"Who the hell are you?" I hissed anxiously I didn't want to be rude but I had to ask and if she stayed she could be in mortal danger emphasis on mortal .

"Look I have powers and clearly," She pointed to the newly healed gash on my face, "you do as well."

"How do I know you have powers? You could be a government agent or something for all I know," I said suspiciously.

"I can show you if you follow me to your mother's room," She said calmly. I frowned not knowing whether to trust the apparition and her beauty, wasn't that a weapon that lots of creatures in the old stories, the name Siren came to mind but since I wasn't at sea I decided I was being paranoid. "Wait at the door and watch," She whispered.

She tiptoed into the room then proceeded to wave her hand in front of the my mum's face I was both miffed and terrified as she did what seemed a crazily dangerous stunt, but to my amazement she didn't look up. I could feel myself gaping and I hastily shut my mouth as she grinned to herself.

"Point taken," I said.

"I have a friend waiting outside if you come with us for a while we can explain everything."

"Okay but we have to be quick," I said glancing at the brute on the sofa nervously.

We joined her friend outside and she began to explain. "Hey I'm Sasha and this is Harper. As you saw I turn invisible and Harp here talks to dead people."

"Er cool I guess," I answered awkwardly feeling a little stupid but really what do you say when someone tells you that so casually.

"Not cool I can't turn back and her dead sister haunts her," Sasha replied.

"Sorry I didn't know," I said feeling ridiculous and a little freaked out by her casual stand-offishness.

"Yeah it seems we all have terrible powers that exacerbate our already miserable situations." Yep I could definitely relate to that

So we have a tradition we will tell you our stories if you promise to tell us yours after."

"Seems fair," I replied.

Backwards: The superpowers nobody wants #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now