Chapter 36

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Chapter 36- The Athena Project (Markus)

I woke up with a pounding headache and a dry mouth. My first thought was, "Where the hell am I?" My vision was blurry and all I could make out was grey, I sat up suddenly and banged my head. I realised I was currently sitting in a metal container from the looks of it steel that was just big enough sit slightly hunched in. My mind was foggy but slowly I was getting the picture with each clue I found for example the fact the ground was moving and bumping every so often. "I am in a van or something being held in the box on the way to a hell for supers...right let's see what we can do about that," I murmured to myself.

There was a hole for breathing purposes and I peered out of it and found three similar metal cases presumably holding my friends and 2 guards for each one. This was a simple challenge I shrunk down and crawled though one of the holes which thankfully lined the top and bottom of the box. Now I had a choice which of my group to wake first? Charlie could turn into an elephant and literally bust us out, Harper could raise an army of the dead to rescue us but Sasha could use her telekinesis to neatly turn us invisible trick them and get us out. It may have been selfish but I went to get Sasha not only would she be very useful but she would also calm my nerves greatly.

I crept carefully across the floor but the men were too engrossed in their conversations to notice me, I peered inside the first box and to my great relief found Sash was the one inside. I grew a little and started to try to wake her. "Sasha," I hissed in her ear but got no response. I jumped on her stomach like a bouncy castle giggling like a giddy child but again nothing. I tried various other methods but got nothing maybe because I was so small but I had to wonder why I had woken up and nobody else had. "Looks like it's up to me to save us," I muttered grimly. I looked down at her peaceful face and brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm going to get us out of this," I whispered to her and clambered away heavy hearted but determined.

I slid out of the box and stalked towards the nearest guard with malice on the mind. Now how to do this? They all had guns but those wouldn't hurt me, then there was the sheer amount of them which would make winning difficult and the fact I could not wake my friends to get us out of here or fly. I just sighed and grew so I was even larger than the burly guy before me and punched him square in the face. There was utter carnage! The man slumped unconscious but unfortunately his friends leapt to his aid.

"Asset out of containment," a guy yelled frankly into his radio and the vehicle swerved to a halt.

"Now come on kid you don't want to do this," another man said trying to reason with me.

"You shot down and kidnapped me and my friends I'm fairly sure I do," I snarled and ducked as a butt of a rifle soared towards my head.

"Oh no you didn't," I bellowed whirling round and slamming the guy's head against the corner of my box.

"Two down 6 to go," I growled and the soldiers stumbled back a little. One fired his gun and the bullet hit my cheek but I spat it out at his feet.

"The elements are in the table I repeat the elements are in table," a radio crackled and the men's faces softened with relief I did not like.

The doors to the truck burst open and 4 kids stood in the opening. There were two guys and a girl each in their teams but all built differently. One girl was small and skinny with blonde hair and grey eyes, another was tall and toned with black hair and blue eyes, a guy was scrawny with flaming red hair and green eyes and the last was broad and muscular with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hello," the blonde said calmly as if we were talking over afternoon tea.

"I would say nice to meet you but I'm guessing you're the elements from the radio call here to stop me," I replied sharply.

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