Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Tales of tragedy (Sasha)

So I told him my story and he was attentive the whole time and he never interrupted only talking when it was appropriate. At the end he didn't try to say he was sorry which I was grateful for and then we heard Harpers story.

"Now it's your turn," I told him.

"Okay but I'm going to have to be quick," he said glancing back to the apartment.

"That's fine," I said.

"My name is Marcus Reed and my dad died 2 years ago. I loved that man so much he wasn't just my dad he was my teacher and friend. He used to take me to basketball every Saturday in the morning even if he'd done a night shift and after he took me for lunch somewhere. You just couldn't wish for a better dad but 3 years ago he was diagnosed with leukaemia and told he had a year to live. But even after that he still took me to basketball and he didn't try to hide his feelings but instead shared them with me. However it had to end and he died in a crummy hospital bed. It hit my mum harder than anyone she moped for weeks then went out every night and left me alone. She would come in, in the early hours of the morning completely drunk and collapse on the couch. Then it would be my job to clean up her mess. Then my dad's cousin came to visit and found my mother in a state. He cleaned her up and she loved him for it. But I saw past the charm he was just after us for our money and when my mother married him he began to treat us like garbage. He beat me and my mother senselessly then apologised for it and my mother could never say no. Sometimes she would tell me she only stayed so I could have a dad again because a boy needs a father and if it wasn't for me she would go back and live with her sister.

Then one day it all changed. I came home from school to find that my mother was at work and it was just me and him. He was drunk like really drunk and when I refused to help him to the toilet to throw up he came at me only this time he came at me with a knife. He stabbed me five times and the pain was unimaginable I couldn't even begin to explain it but I crawled back to my room and well.... I healed. It was amazing but also meant my downfall.

Eventually the he found out and my life became a living hell. He beat me to a bloodied pulp trying to leave a bruise or cut on me for more than ten minutes. The only comfort was that that he laid of my mother focusing on my. I don't go to school all that often in case people see my scars I spend most of the day tied up if the drunk remembers and sometimes if I'm lucky he bring his friends over to beat me up too they place bets on who can beat me the longest without getting tired. So yeah I can heal that's my power but I still feel pain and it's probably the only thing that has stopped me killing myself because I'm pretty sure at this point I can't die."

My God each story we hear is worse than the last. I look at Harper and she jerked her head towards him a smile playing on her lips. I was a little confused is this some sort of girl code because I never had girlfriends. But I got it eventually and stumbled forward (with a shove from Harper) and hugged him.

"Can I tell you a secret," I whispered.

"Go ahead," he replied.

"I've never hugged anyone before."

"And how is it," he chuckled.

"It's nice. Warm and cosy," I laughed. (Ahh ha ha...I'm sorry. Even I cringed at this)

Harper coughed awkwardly and I released the guy.

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