Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- a new member (Harper)

I was excited when I got the flash in my head, after weeks we had finally found another person to hopefully join us. However I knew instantly that something was wrong and I stopped in my tracks. "What is it Harp," Sasha asked concerned.

"I felt something but its weak like if the light that flashes is a candle this one is burning low." I said worried nibbling on my lip (a horrible habit I have been meaning to quit).

"What do you think that means," She asked.

"This person is definitely a super and they are also in trouble whoever it is needs to be found and fast." We hadn't prepared for this situation before who knows what kinds of danger someone like us could put themselves in.

"Where are they?"

"Somewhere in that building," I said pointing to an old block of apartments. "How are we supposed to get in Sash."

"I will use my invisibility trust me I can get in just about anywhere," She grinned mischievously.

"Be careful our powers aren't exactly offensive at least not yet whatever danger they're in don't get yourself into it as well."

"I'll be fine wait outside and I will get you once I have found the super," She assured me.

"Okay they're on the top floor good luck." I said and she headed off.

I waited anxiously for her return pacing up and down never able to settle down. I was very concerned for this newbie whatever had happened to him was serious I could sense it. The building that I assumed was his home looked dodgy for lack of a better word. It was derelict and crumbling looking like a truly abysmal place to spend your time.

It was about half an hour later when Sasha arrived back with the new guy in tow.

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