Chapter 19

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Chapter 17- Recovery from the incident (Sasha)

"Okay let's try to get you back unless you like being a lion," I said. He shook his head violently which made the other two snigger.

"Any suggestions guys," I asked but I got no answers in return. I scared him into a lion so how was I supposed to change him back. He rolled his eyes and settled in for a long wait.

We tried everything to get him back I pelted him with rocks, Harper tried asking ghosts, Markus tried shouting at him and Charlie tried to force the change but nothing worked eventually Charlie got bored and began to snore loudly.

"What are we going to do with him," Harper whispered eyeing the ginormous, sleeping beast warily.

"I don't know but if he doesn't change back soon he's going to get hungry and the scabby pigeons round here aren't going to keep him busy for long," Markus frowned.

"That's a good point we can only loot so much the shop owners are going to get pretty suspicious if whole steaks and frozen chickens start going missing," I agreed.

I noticed our appearances though bright and happy we all had dark shadows under our eyes and we were filthy Harper and Markus even sporting the remnants of the earlier blood shower.

"We should get some sleep and figure this out in the morning," I decided and with yawns and nods they agreed we crawled into sleeping bags and went to sleep.

We woke late with the sun already in the middle of the sky to the sound of Charlie celebrating the fact he was back.

"Yippee, I'm back to being me I'm so happy I accidentally rhymed," he sing-songed dancing round the room. He thought we were all still asleep so when he saw us staring at him he went tomato red.

"Oh hey there zombies nice to see your up," he grumbled trying to regain some of his usual attitude.

"Hey there ballerina," Harper smirked and Charlie if possible went even redder.

"How was your cat nap," I grinned.

"Brilliant," he said sarcastically, "and your training class went marvellously."

"It achieved what I had intended and I am still continuing it today so you and Harper team up. You two will be working on helping Charlie block out the animals since Harp had a similar problem with her ghosts."

"Meanwhile," I said turning to Markus, "we are going to find another one of your powers." This idea didn't seem so great to Markus and I couldn't blame him after what happened with Charlie yesterday but I had different plans for today anyway.

"Okay," Harper chirped winking at me and mouthing "Thank you" I knew she'd like the new guy! She dragged Charlie off starting to explain her methods of control "You see it's all about accepting who you are..."

"Right Mark what we'll be doing today is not as dramatic as yesterday since I can already tell you're already jittery."

"How?" he asked nervously

"Well you know about my bubble that I use to turn invisible, well when someone is inside it I can sense them really strongly. They're emotions, heart-rate and stuff like that." I said in a rush then felt a little stupid.

"That's cool," he said casually.

I cleared my throat "A-anyway I want to do a couple of exercises with you some to help you control your healing others to see if we can find a new ability," I said more confidently as I got into my stride.

"Why do I need to control the healing I automatically do it whenever I'm hurt," he grumbled.

"Because it's useful for major wounds but it's hard to have a normal life when as soon as you get a cut or bruise people automatically know about your powers," I shot back.


"So let's start with that, what does it feel like when you heal?" He scrunched up his face in concentration as he thought. He looked pretty comical and I was tempted to push him or something but I restrained myself.

"I don't know," he said finally "it kind of just happens I don't really even remember the injury it after a while." That wasn't very helpful I would just have to find out myself. I found a particularly sharp stone and told it to fly into my hand which I held casually behind my back so he didn't notice. Then I lunged forward and scratched him on the wrist before he could realise what was happening.

"Oi that hurt," he snapped recoiling looking at his hand which was grazed but healing fast.

"Oh stop being a baby and tell me how it feels," I said rolling my eyes.

"It kind of tingles not much but I guess the bigger the injury the more it would tingle," he said tentatively.

"Brilliant so remember that feeling and next time you get hurt and reverse it," I chirped.

"Okay teacher what text," he laughed.

I didn't answer instead I cut him with the rock on the other arm.

"Hey... oh" he said quickly scrunching up his face again and the cut stayed open pink and sore.

"Brilliant Markus so now you know if we're visible you can stop the healing," I grinned.

He let the cut heal over then waited expectantly for the next test. I thought carefully about this since I knew invoking the next power would be more difficult as I couldn't use the fear tactic I decided brains over brawn would probably be best.

"Do you know what I think we should do this as a group exercise the others have been alone for almost half an hour who knows what they could have gotten up to," I decided.

"Hey we should sneak up and make them jump," he said a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.


We crept into the hallway outside the next room on and cackling like witches we devised a plan "Make us invisible so we can creep right up to them and then take the shield out and holler like crazy." Markus chortled as quietly as he could.

"Okay but let's check it out first we don't want to interrupt them right on the brink of something important," I schemed. So we crept to the door which had a window fortunately and we peered through fighting for space.

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