Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - Letting go (Harper)

I didn't look up as Sasha approached I knew she was there but my attention was focused on the figure in front of me. She asked me a question but I just seized her arm feeding my energy into her so he could see what I saw.

It was Alexa my poor broken sister only now she wasn't as pale and well deathly she looked more solid and I knew what was about to come.

"It's time isn't it," I whispered hoarsely.

"Yes," she whispered solemnly in her voice still sweet with the innocence of childhood,

"I understand now," I told her, "I didn't know why you couldn't tell me what kept you here but I realise now I had to help myself to help you."

"I love you so much Harper and now I have roamed the Earth in the between phase I know just what that means and to see you give up on your life because of my death caused me so much anguish," she wept softly.

"Hello," Sasha said in awe as she realised who was in front of me.

"Hello Sasha it's nice to finally talk to you after seeing you for so long," Alex said.

"It's an honour I'm glad to finally meet the little sister that meant so much to Harper," she said glancing at me with eyes full of empathy and understanding.

"You were the person who first helped Harper stop blaming herself and move on with her life I hope where I'm going there are friends like you," she told Sasha.

"Do you know where it is you will be going," I asked curiously.

"No and I have a feeling if I did I couldn't tell you," she replied with a small smile.

I wanted to keep talking to her to keep her here with me looking out for me as she had for so long but I felt the time slipping away.

"I don't want to let you go," I said hoarsely tears in my eyes.

"I know but I'm never going to really leave I promise that wherever I go I won't stop watching out for you," she assured me.

"I love you," I yelled as she started to glow.

"I love you too...oh and Harper?"


"That boy Charlie hold onto him he's a keeper," she grinned then she rose up into the air floating away.

"Goodbye," I sobbed.

"Bye," she yelled before being whisked out of sight.

I broke down falling to the floor in a crumpled heap. I had just lost the last link to my family and now I was all alone. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up.

Sasha's kindly smile beamed down at me as she spoke soothingly to me with words I never heard but helped fill the empty soundless void inside of me.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"You're welcome."

"Let's go back I want to see Charlie," I said softly and she didn't try to tease me about it.

She nodded and we flew back but I slowly felt better and better about the whole thing, it was selfish of me to mope about Alexa's departure she had moved on and that was what mattered.

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