How it all Started

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"Akarui!, Akarui!, You can run but you can't hide!" Echoed a voice throughout the house. I huddled up further into the dark corner of the kitchen cabinet I was currently hiding in. I had to make sure I wasn't found or else I'd be in deep trouble. The cabinet was small and stuffy causing me to sweat. Not only that, but I was breathing hard trying to catch my breath from my earlier run. I had to find a way to escape to safety and succeed in reading the contents of the book I managed to 'skillfully' take. I would have tried reading it now but this cabinet is really dark. Suddenly I froze. The creak of the kitchen door could be heard. Footsteps thumped across the floor nearing my location. I clamped my small clammy hands over my mouth muffling the sound of my breathing. A bead of sweat rolled down my face as I waited in silence. The footsteps seemed to get softer after a few minutes. Once there was not a single noise, I let out a breath I was holding. I thought for a while and decided to step out. I carefully clenched the book in one hand and slowly peeked out to see if the coast was clear. There was no one in sight. I took this as my chance to find a place and read this book. Carefully, I fully crawled out of the cabinet stretching my arms afterwards. Two steps later and I was lifted up by the back of my coat. I slowly looked up and gulped. In front of me stood a very angry man with gravity defying silver hair. This was risky, but I decided to use my greatest technique yet, my puppy dog eyes. They could possibly get me out of this situation. I stared at him with all the cuteness I could muster but all he did was look at me and sigh. Instead of letting me go, he carried me into the living room, snatched away the book, and dropped me on the couch. I slowly sat up and pouted.

"I thought I told you not to touch my book" said the man with a calm yet intimidating voice.

"I know but you're reading that thing all the time Kakashi. Of course I would get curious" I defended crossing my arms.

"I also told you last time you failed to take it that it's not for children" Kakashi said stuffing the book back inside his kunai pouch.

"That's what makes me want to know what's inside even more!" I shouted like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He just gave me an annoyed look and sighed again.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had just left my pocky alone but noooo, you just had to eat it." I glared at him putting my hands on my hips.

"Yes I did and I regret nothing." he said smirking under that mask of his.

"You better buy me some more pocky or I'll embarrass you in public!" I said pointing at him dramatically, an evil smile on my face. he slowly backed up with a look of fear in his eyes.

"You wouldn't dare!" he spoke, his voice slightly trembling. I walked toward him and smirked.

"Yes I would Kaka-chan" I said slowly and threateningly making an innocent face. He hung his head low.

"Fine i'll buy you some pocky..." He softly said.

"Yes!!!!" I shouted out running out the door. I stopped for a moment jogging in place waiting for him to get out of the house. He slowly walked out the door and locked it.

"Hurry up kakashi!" I shouted impatiently, tapping my foot and crossing my arms.

"Alright alright I'm coming." he sighed out shoving his hands in his pockets. He seemed to be taking his precious time. I puffed out my cheeks and just decided to walk next to him. I'd rather walk slowly beside him than run ahead and get insulted by strangers on the street. They scare me but at least I have kakashi with me. Kakashi is my brother shinko's best friend and he takes care of me when shinko is at work and my parents are busy at their bakery. I don't mind much but kakashi can be very lazy. He mainly just sits there reading that book of his. That's no fun so I mess with him. He may get annoyed but at least I get entertained in the process. I frowned when I saw adults on the street scowling at me. I looked down and held on to kakashi's sleeve. It's a habit for me to do this whenever I'm nervous, scared or upset. Kakashi looked down at me with concern and gently held my hand. I turned to look at him and gave him a soft smile. he returned one and we quickly made it to the candy shop. Immediately, a grin shone bright on my face. I ran up to the pocky and grabbed three chocolate boxes and three strawberry boxes. I piled up the stack on the counter for kakashi to pay for. He just pulled out his wallet and payed for my large amount of candy. The lady just smiled and bagged my candy. I took the bag with an overwhelming grin and skipped outside. When I stepped outside I saw the people on the street stepping away from something and whispering.

"Now get this!!" shouted a boy's voice. I grew curious and pushed my way through the forming crowd. What I saw was a small blonde haired boy with whisker marks on his face. He was glaring at the people on the street, his fists clenched tightly.

"I'm absolutely gonna be named the hokage!!! You just watch! Everyone!!" he shouted out in rage running away. I stared at his disappearing figure with a twinkle in my eye and small blush on my cheeks.

'How was he able to do that? I would have been to afraid to do something like that. He is..... Awesome!!!!!' I thought in a daze. Seeing his act of bravery gave me courage.

'Maybe I can actually try talking to some kids and possibly play with someone my age!' I wondered with determination splattered on my face. I ran up to kakashi and asked him if we could go to the park. He agreed (probably wanting to read his book) and we arrived in a short amount of time. He sat down on a park bench and told me to come to him if I needed something. I just nodded and skipped off with my bag full of pocky. I looked at a group of kids playing ball and cautiously walked up to them. When I got close, they stopped what they were doing and looked at me with distaste. I shivered under the stare they were giving me but decided to be brave.

"C-Can I p-play with you guys?" I asked them, fiddling with the rim of my dress. They just looked at me like if I was stupid. One of the boys walked up to me and said,

"Why would we play with a filthy Akuma." I frowned at that.

"Why don't you just get lost." sneered a girl in the group. I stared down at my feet losing any ounce of confidence I previously had.

"I-I-I just w-wanted to p-play with you guys." I replied in a barely audible voice.

"Well we don't play with monsters." growled the same boy from before. I just stared at him wide eyed, tears threatening to fall.

"Just get away from us you freak!" glared the boy, picking up a rock. I slowly started to back away, a look of fear in my eyes. He raised his arm, disgust clear on his face. I started running, I didn't know where I was going but I didn't want to get pelted by rocks. I saw many rocks fly past me and I tried my best not to get hit. Unfortunately, a large rock ended up hitting my left arm. I ignored the pain for the time being and ran toward the trees. I took shelter under a large shady tree and fell to my knees. My arm was throbbing with pain. I carefully moved my arm to see the damage done and luckily it was only a small cut. Even though it was small, it was still bleeding. I ripped off part of my small coat and securely rapped it around my injured arm. I winced in pain when I moved my arm deciding to move as little as I could. I carefully stood up and took in my surroundings. I was on the far end of the park where no one really went. I walked a bit and was surprised to find the blond boy from earlier. He was sitting on a swing by himself, sadness filled his eyes. I looked at him for a while considering if it was safe going up to him or not. After a while I just thought,

"heck, what have I got to lose." and walked up to him. He looked up when I stood in front of him.

"what do you want?" he said gripping the ropes to the swings. I nervously looked into his eyes.

"d-do you want to play with me" I slightly stuttered. He looked at me with confusion.

"why would you want to play with me?" he asked, a small twinkle of hope shone in his features.

"I-I'd like us to be friends" I replied softly. I stood there patiently for his reply, hoping to not get rejected. I was surprised at the look of astonishment on his face. After a bit I lost what little assurance I had left.

"I understand if you wouldn't want a f-freak like me to be your friend." I whispered out with tears in the corners of my eyes. I was about to walk away when I felt a tug at my arm. I winced since the arm pulled was my injured one. Slowly, I turned around and saw the boy standing there holding my arm.

"No. I don't think you're a freak. I would really like to be your friend!" he said quickly, looking me in the eyes. I smiled largely and pulled him into a hug. He was startled at first but eventually hugged back.

"Thank you" I whispered in his ear. I let him go and gave him a bright smile.

"My name is Akarui Yami and don't you forget it!" I grinned giving him my hand for him to shake. He smiled, shook my hand, and stated the one thing I will never forget.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, the future hokage! Believe it!"... and that is how it all started.

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