One Month of Difficulties

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I stared blankly down at the plain white hospital sheets in front of me. My right hand and left leg both wrapped tightly with bandages. Even when there wasn't any outer wound. I looked out through the window to see it was a bright day Outside. The most of outside I would be seeing for the meantime. Kakashi had left a while ago after informing me that the winners of the preliminaries had one month to train. One month that I was hardly allowed to do anything. Kakashi was enraged that I had revealed my eyes once again. He gave this huge lecture on how I was so careless and was bad at listening to him. After I apologized, he calmed for a bit and apologized for making me lose. But he said it was my punishment and that he couldn't let me continue if something like this were to happen again. He then looked extremely worried when I revealed that kabuto was one of orochimaru's helpers. After I revealed everything that he told me, there was an extensive search for kabuto. One that proved unsuccessful. He had seemed to disappear the night of our fight. And because of the growing threat, that's where the decision came in for me to be practically secluded. I was to stay in this hospital until I was fully healed while anbu would guard the premises. No one was really allowed to come near me since there's a probability that orochimarau might consider using them against me. This seems to mainly hint towards shinko since he isn't a ninja and wouldn't be able to fight for himself. It would be bad if he were considered a weakness of mine. Another decision made prior to my knowledge is that after I get out of this hospital, I will be staying with kakashi until it can be certain that I'm in the clear. Most of my belongings have already been moved there while I stayed here in this boring old plain white room. One anbu was outside my door making sure only doctors or the hospital staff could enter, while another was inside making sure I didn't try to escape. The only good thing about going to kakashi's house after healing is that at least I'll have a little more privacy. Not as many anbu will be there to creep me out. I sighed at my bed and looked over at the ceiling. I really do hate this.

"Akarui, it looks like you're recovering quite nicely." A soft warm voice spoke from the door. Quickly looking over, I was surprised to see grandpa sarutobi. He calmly walked in with his kind smile. Signalling the anbu inside to leave for a moment, the anbu nodded as he sat down at my bedside. We were left alone in the room as soon as that anbu left.

"What are you doing here grandpa sarutobi??" I asked him. He looked normal and relaxed. He brought this calming and peaceful feeling with him. It was one of the many things I liked about him.

"I thought you could use some company. I can't imagine it being very fun here by yourself." He said lightly while looking at me. I pouted and crossed my arms.

"I wonder who's fault that is." I mumbled, not bothering to look back at him. I know it's mainly kakashi's fault but grandpa sarutobi just had to be the one to decide this as the best option. He could maybe have thought of something else but of course he didn't. What's most frustrating is that he brushes it aside as if it's nothing! It's not a nice feeling to be alone most of the time without being given a choice!

"I know you're upset about this, but it's for your own good." I grumbled when he said what is most expected. That's always the reason!.. But he isn't wrong. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I know, I know. But can't I at least see naruto??" My request was quickly shot down.

"I'm sorry but this is how it has to be." His reasons made me huff.

"But he's my best friend! He can at least visit sometimes!!"

"Knowing naruto, he may do more than just visit. Being the trickster he is, he'll try to sneak you away and we can't risk that." Grandpa explained what may have been true. He's most likely right. But I don't care because I'd actually want that to happen!

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